I raced in Jefferson City Missouri yesterday at the Missouri State Criterium Championships. Mike Weiss and his Big Shark crew have promoted this event for a long time now. Mike is one of those guys that gets down in the trenches. He does the course setup, races twice and then does the tear down. Pretty cool.
It’s a 3 hour drive over to Jefferson City from Topeka. I-70 was at a dead stop East of Kansas City, so we decided to do a U-turn and head South to Highway 50. The detour got us behind schedule, so by the time we got to the race, got our numbers, pumped up our tires, etc, we had to go to the line. I think I had a .8 miles warm up for the first race, the Master’s 30+.
The course is less pretty short, a little over a minute and a half lap. It has a 40 mph descent and then the climb back up to the finish line. I really like the course. It is a hard course to get separation because the field is descending so much faster than a break. That being said, it is normally won by a break.
I’ve been having an issue starting slow in races recently. Actually, since I’ve raced twice, two weekends in a row, I’ve felt a lot better the 2nd race than the first. Yesterday was no different. I was totally blocked up the first 20 minutes. Nearly from the gun , Jim VanDeven, Dogfish, attacked. He got a little bit in front and I chased him until we were just a few bike lengths back, but Jim just went again and disappeared up the road. I really didn’t mind. Jim is riding super good and I was more into the day for the training, not the results. That being said, I didn’t want to get smeared by a bunch of Masters. Towards the end, Bill and I started attacking. I could tell everyone was running out of juice. I put in a couple hard laps and then jumped away with one of Jim’s Dogfish team mates. Then all of a sudden Jim was there. He’d lapped us. He was going great. I ended up winning the sprint for 2nd, so that was race one over.
We had 2 plus hours until the Pro 1/2 race. The Master’s race was pretty hot, nearly 90 and humid. I didn’t feel that bad because of the heat, but didn’t feel great. Bill and I just sat in the van and watched the Tour of Utah on my phone. We had to go before the fireworks started on the last climb, so I’ll have to try to find it after I finish this.
The Pro 1/2 race was great. There were over 50 guys and the race was pretty animated. I truly enjoyed it. Again, I was a little stale the first 20 minutes, but not nearly as stale as the previous race. Then I started feeling better. Brad Huff, Jelly Belly, was there and I knew that the race was not winnable if it came down to a field sprint. It used to be a good finish for me, but since I had this shoulder surgery, my jump completely sucks.
So, towards the end of the race, we tried to split it up. Bill got off the front for a few laps, but Brad and a couple other guys chased him down. With 3 laps to go I tried my hand at it. It hardly worked. I rode just over a lap before being chased down. I was a little gassed, but not horrible. I had 3 minutes to recover.
I got into pretty good position the last lap, behind Brad. I told him I would lead it out, but that wasn’t to be. I completely blew it. I got shuffled back before the final hill and then there is a 90 degree right and immediately a 90 left onto the finish stretch. I was coming up the hill with a big head of steam, but got screwed up when a Mesa rider was peeling off from a leadout. I had to grab a big handful of brake and my destiny was set. I went around the last corner in 6th and that is where I finished. I wanted a do over something seriously. Like I said above, the results weren’t important, but I would have loved to see how it played out if I would have gotten around the front of the group.
Anyway, Brad came out of the corner 4 guys back and barely got to the finish line in the lead. Devin Clark had a pretty good gap out of the final turn and Brad just caught him on the line.
After the race, we were all mulling around the finish, talking before the awards. Missouri has a pretty cool State Championship jersey and there was some debate whether Brad could win the jersey because he is a D3 Pro. I don’t know what the rule is, but if it was up to me, if you can race the event and you live in the state, then you get the jersey. I’m not sure what they eventually decided.
Race efforts are so much better than anything I could hoped to do training. It was interesting that my average wattage in the Master’s race was higher than that of the Pro 1/2 race, even though the average speed was over a mile an hour slower. Strava.
So, I got in nearly 50 miles of good criterium racing. I was surprised how good I felt towards the end of the 2nd race. I was recovering pretty quickly after efforts and most everything was working okay. My ribs were bad, but not horrible. All and all, it was good.

This is the 3rd criterium I’ve done in the last couple months that go around a State Capitol Building.
Yo Steve, have you heard about the EPIC event in Grand Junction Colorado Labor Day Weekend??? Epic is the company putting on the event. Sure hope you can make it over the Divide for this. http://www.epicrides.com/index.php?contentCat=9
Take Care and thanx 4 all the photos and updates.
As someone who’s see Brad progress as a racer over the years, I have to say it’s a little frustrating to see such a quality rider with the potential he has aiming so low.
He’s a national caliber pro who should be racing at his level. I call BS on showing up to the state crit champs and beating on a bunch of amateurs.
I understand that he’s “keeping it real” by racing local events and being a really nice guy but he’s taking a life experience from an amateur or young up and comer and I’d wager that most of the field resents his presence on some level at such events. It’s kind of a classless move as a legit pro to sandbag at these local events. Come on Brad!
Where does he want his professional career to take him? He, like most of the Jelly Belly team seem a little too comfy and sleepy with being just ok. Until this year with a few new recruits they seriously lacked in the results dept. They had to go out and buy guys who can win races. The interview Velonews did with Danny Van H. a while back was pretty good, and he stated pretty much the same thing. His career has pretty much stagnated and that would be ok if this was the peak of his potential but it’s not.
Bill V.- I have to disagree. I think it is one of the best things about the sport that good, young riders get to mix it up with professionals at local and regional races. Cycling is very unique in this. I very much doubt there was one rider at the race yesterday that “resented” Brad racing .
I remember when I first started racing lining up with Marc Thompdon , who had ridden the Olympic Games. I was thrilled. Later, I sought out races were Wayne Stetina and the best riders were going to be competing.
Brad comes to lots of local races that he can’t win too. Hilly road races in Arkansas, marathon MTB races on single track. He loves to race bikes, does it well and is a good embassator of the sport.
I agree with some of your observations about the Jelly Belly Pro Team, but Brad is just a rider on that team, not management.
I hear you Steve. Brad seems to be a good proponent of clean riding and is a super likable dude.
I guess I’m still having flashbacks to when Jelly Belly rider Adam Bergman aka “The Candy Man” would show up to Mn and WI events and just completely shatter everyone. We all knew how that was happening and it caught up with him. He was also a really nice guy. That kind of soured a lot of people’s view of these national level guys scooping in on local events for an easy pay day. We didn’t look at it as a privilege to race with an experienced racer because we knew why he was there, to take home a few hundred bucks any weekend he was in town.
Sounds like it was an exciting race, good result Steve.
Here are pictures from the Missouri State Criterium Championships. They are mostly from the Men’s Cat 4/5, Masters 30+/35+ and the Women’s open races.
Steve, thats me on the very right of the pic explaining, as i offhandedly knew the rule, and it states D3 riders are able to win state jerserys so Brad was awarded the title. D2 and above cannot and can’t even race such events. So Brad had every right to do want he wanted yesterday. Good race too Steve, I was right on your wheels in the last corner before the pile up that you somehow made it through before riders went flopping. the mesa guy stopped cause another ride dove the inside corner then jammed himself.
Steve, we were looking for you after the race b/c I was one of the guys caught up in the crash and had a laceration in my mid-section that needed stitches. Would have been the perfect opportunity for you to show off your skills.