The word pioneer describes the life of Gary Penman. A friend, one that I admired, died yesterday. He made a dramatic impact on my life. And I’m just one of the thousands/tens of thousands of people that he did this to. He single handedly created/built his surroundings to his liking. And, he allowed anyone that came to Northern Wisconsin the luxury to enjoy the fruits of his labors.
I can’t say I really knew Gary all that well. But well enough to know I liked him alot. Something eclectic made him tick. And this was what made him special. He recreated the town of Seeley, Wisconsin. And, built the Sawmill Saloon. This is a place that hundreds of World Class athletes have been to. A place that is a gathering point and melting pot not found elsewhere. This is a place where Elite athletes-cyclists/skiers/skaters, etc. drink beer and eat pizza with loggers and snowmobilers. He did this on his own. I believe for his own quiet entertainment.
There are too many stories and memories to try to relate how Gary bettered so many lives. Below is a link to an article that probably says it better than I. Please click on it and read about his life. We should all strive to live a life as such to be so admired. I will miss having the knowledge that he is up in Northern Wisconsin creating. But feel free to go to Seeley and be awed by one man’s work.
“I believe for his own quiet entertainment.”–An insightful observation. The picture says it all—a renaissance northwoodsman. Lucky us!!