Monthly Archives: November 2016

Looking Forward to a Doctor’s Appointment

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I don’t have any energy to post much today.  The last 24 hours has been challenging.  I really don’t understand it, but hopefully will later today.  I have an appointment at KU Med later this afternoon to meet up with a specialist that deals with issues that I’m having.

I’m not too big on sitting in an automobile an hour each way to the doctor’s office, but this is the person I need to see, I think.   I’m not sure that everyone that has my issues has the same prognosis and needs the same treatment, but this doctor should know the answer to that, if anyone is going to.  I’ve tried to read everything I can on the Internet, but medicine isn’t too helpful for a lot of the problems I’m having.  I’m thinking if I can just get in a few hours sleep at night, I’ll take even 3 or 4, then I will get better.  If not, I feel like I’m just going to be stuck in a bad situation that seems stagnant.

I walked three times yesterday.  Pretty short walks, but at least I did something other than sit in a chair with my eyes shut.  Bill, Trudi, Catherine and I took the dogs out ot the country to run. I ran out of juice just about when we arrived, but Tucker had a great time, even though I was moving 3% as fast or far as he was.  It was pretty nice just sitting out in the country on a beautiful fall day.  All in all, days seem unbelievable unproductive in my current status.

Alright, sorry again about just whining.  It is pretty hard to try to focus on much anything else currently.  It has to get better soon.





Election Day

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Today the election for the next president will be over.   Hopefully.  If it’s not, then it is going to be another mixed up thing as it was with Bush and Gore 12 years ago.  It might be anyway.

Yesterday I spent 4 or 5 hours in Kansas City at KU Med.  I went to the neurology department and met up with a doctor who only deals with head injuries.  Her name is Dr. Alexandra Nielsen and she is super.    Luckily, I haven’t had to spend that much time with doctors, but yesterday was enjoyable, although pretty tiring.

I’ve read up enough on head trauma and realize that it is a case by case basis.  Dr. Neilsen was very good and explained most of the questions I still had.  I’m going to be driving to Kansas City and see her on a pretty constant basis.

I did a physical therapy session and it didn’t go so well.  I can’t walk moving my head around without being all over the place and super dizzy.  I’m going to start doing it 3 times a week here in Topeka and then go to Kansas City every two weeks or so.  I think my outcome is going to be good, but with head injuries, it is very hard to be absolutely positive about outcomes.

I have an MRI on my neck scheduled.  I guess I screwed up my neck some when I slammed my head onto the concrete at 30 mph, go figure.  I’m having some numbness issues in my left arm and fingers.  We’re going to try to figure that out too, which is low on my list right now, but it won’t be if I can get this sleeping thing down.

Last night I took some new medicine.  It was a medicine made for depression, but I guess didn’t work too well for it.  But it does get rid of headaches and induces sleep, which are the two biggest issues I need to address first before I can move forward.

It worked somewhat.  I slept over 4 hours, which is about 4 days sleep recently.  It is kind of hard moving this morning, I’m still pretty groggy, but I’ll be groggy for hours if I sleep for hours.

I got permission to sort of train.  So I rode the ergometer for 20 minutes yesterday.  It wasn’t really training, it was just moving my legs around in circles.  I have to keep my heart rate super low, like way under 100, so it is going to be humbling.  But saying that, it was pretty great nearly breaking a sweat and not seizing up.

Okay, I guess I need to eat and then go out to wait to vote.  I should have done it early last week, but couldn’t really get out and do it.  Votes matter after all this craziness, so please do it, no matter who you are going to vote for.  That is the only way this system works.


Baby steps.

Baby steps.

Dr. Nielsen.

Dr. Nielsen.