By the time most of you read this I’ll hopefully be close to Colorado. I got up super early and started the 900 mile drive to Durango. I’m not really looking forward to it, I like about 10 hours max driving a day, but that would be a pretty quick average.
Last night there was a crazy storm here in Topeka. I’m not sure how much it rained but the gutters on my house started overflowing in about 10 minutes and they kept overflowing for a long time. Then my phone alert went off saying that there was going to be flash flooding. This was after just 20 minutes of rain. It was downpouring. I love midwest thunderstorms. I went out on the front porch and watched the lightening for quite a while.
I got a bunch of new Shimano parts in the mail late yesterday afternoon. I didn’t have time to put my new dual suspension bike together, plus I was missing a couple parts. I’ll do it early next week when I get back from Durango or maybe up in Cable before Chequamegon.
I bought a plane ticket to Richmond on Monday after Chequamegon. That would be too long a haul, there and back. Plus Trudi has to drive a BMC team car back, so I don’t need to be driving too. World’s are only in North America around every 15 years, so it would be silly to miss it. Plus, I have a few “business” things to do there, so it isn’t just a vacation.
Okay, a few days at altitude might help a little for Chequamegon. I’m wondering how I’m going to feel riding there. I wonder if I’m acclimated at all still? I’ve really only been down for less than two weeks, so maybe I’ll be okay.
The long ride is 50 miles. I really haven’t ridden that much around Durango. I’ve ridden with Ned at the mountain bike park named after him, the Colorado Trail and have raced above the University, but I really don’t know the trails. It should be a blast.
Okay, I need to get moving. Driving on short sleep is always a little hard initially. I would really rather have driven at night. I like driving at night. I think the last two times I’ve driven to Durango or Moab, I’ve hit deers/deers have hit me. That is not a good average.

I think I might leave on Vincent’s XT cranks for Chequamegon. The XTR is only a 38 big ring. The XT is a 42.

I charged up this camera and hope to use it tomorrow on the dirt fondo. I only have the helmet mount that came with the camera. I’d like to have a handlebar mount.
Have a great trip. My favorite drives are; passing the Blue Mesa Reservoir between Gunni and Montrose and the Million Dollar Hgwy from Ouray to Durango. Wish I was heading out there myself.
So up there in Cable on Sept 20, you might want to get a look at a NICA high school racing. While we would love to have you in Austin MN for the Minnesota league race, Wisconsin is having a race right there –
Quite the circus, go have a look.
For MN, it is here
Over 600 kids registered for this Sunday, over 40 school teams.
You’ve made it into Bicycling this week:
Calvin, Keep in mind that Steve is pretty self centered about the bicycle thing. He won’t be bothered to check out something as small and meaningless as youth involvement in our dying sport
You should definitely wear your Geezer World Champ jersey while in Richmond
Business things? C’mon, your life is a non stop playland. Who are you kidding?
Up until this year Blue Mesa was a paltry almost dry puddle, some 50 feet (or lower) low. This year it rebounded and was as 99.9% capacity. I find that an amazing turn around!
650b? Aren’t you too tall for 650b? I expect you will love the full suspension on certain courses, like Chequamegon. But those wheels seem odd. What are your thoughts with trying these smaller wheels?
Dude, you left the house with no milk again. Only that soy crap. How’s a squatter to get some decent nutrition? Tell ya what. I’ll mow your lawn this time.
Unfortunately, I think you’re right. His brother, Kris, is on the City of Topeka’s Bicycle Advisory Board and is active in local advocacy, and does one on one training with people just getting into the sport – and even helps them get bikes and suchlike to train on, cobbling up bikes from dumpstered parts and the like. The first race Jeanne Golay did, a criterium in Jacksonville, FL, she did on such a bike – and lapped the field three times. After that, she got sponsored, free bikes and all, but she won her first race on a beater bike. And she rode local training rides with riders of Steve’s calibre who took the time to do such things. Undoubtedly Steve could do similar – and he ought to.
You must have missed the post where Steve and fellow Tradewind riders went to a school recently.
But then Och is always missing things 😉
Hey Och remember that time you missed the road and fell in the ditch 😀
650b will give you 4 gear-inches over 26″. 11-38 (650b) = 94″
My thoughts are that Free wheels are Free wheels. And they are the perfect size!
What did all those parts cost you? Seems you got all from Amazon?
Van-As you can tell by the header on my blog here, I’m sponsored by Shimano, so no, they are not from Amazon, they came from Shimano America.
100% correct, Och. I had to giggle at the recent journey man bike racer post. Or the fact that this very post is primarily about his free shimano stuff. I cant remember the last sad cat 5 who had his tire pressure answered. Yes, self centered…
Not according to Trudi’s AmEx bill that Andy Rihs brought to my attention yesterday. Merlin Cycles UK. We should probably talk when you get to Richmond, bring cash
On my mobile platform, no sponsor banners are visable other than three example references on your sponsor page, with only one active link.
I’m really pretty sure that he’s still sponsored by Shimano, you’d know it if you saw the UPS packages with their logos on the tag and boxes, besides although he may be prickly (see ) he’s not one who tells lies.
I’d like to see some pics. I haven’t seen it full in years. I’ll start googling.
Just figured in his appreciation for shimano he may like to check his software to insure he reciprocates their support.