One Squished Isuzu Trooper

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Didn’t make it back to Kansas. Blackwell, Oklahoma is where we’re at for awhile. It’s after 2 am. Pretty long day. The roads were pretty horrible. One very hurt/terminal,
Isuzu. Everyone is fine.


15 thoughts on “One Squished Isuzu Trooper

  1. The Cyclist

    That car doesn’t look too happy. Bet it was tons happier rollin around Austin. Hope this season does not evolve into something even more terrible than the last one.

  2. VCScribe

    Been there. Done that. In a Trooper, no less, in similar weather in the Texas panhandle on the way from Austin to Colorado on a ski trip. Doesn’t take much to bend an Isuzu. Mine was fixable, however, and I milksd another 10 years out of it. Good luck!

  3. J swaq

    You know if there was less gear you wouldmjustnbe riding back on your bike! Hope everyone is Ok, Mr Tilford.

  4. H Luce

    It’s what, 16 years old, and has a bit over 200,000 miles on it? You’ve got prob $10K in body damage – if you want to beat on metal I’ve got some body tools sitting around and there’s plenty of info on the net… Kris tells me the engine still runs, no cracked block or anything, just a non-functioning electric fan, so if you can get home without overheating you can probably fix it.

  5. Oldster

    It happens to the best of us.
    For as many miles you put in, count your blessings. Hope you guys are OK. There’s never an optimal time for that stuff, but winter has to be the worst to be on the side of the road – especially at night

    On a lighter note, did this disturb Bromont’s long winters nap?

  6. Pingback: ISUZU VEHICROSS 2014

  7. mark

    Overheat at the race and crash in the snow on the drive home. That probably doesn’t happen very often to anybody.

  8. The Cyclist

    Why r u helmet lovers so goddamned annoying!!? Why don’t y’all just go ahead and rivet your helmets to your skulls so y’all can feel safe a l l the t i m e and just stop pestering the rest of us with your helmetian drivel?

  9. Pingback: ISUZU PUP 2014

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