Okay, I’m in a time crunch, so this is going to reflect that. I have 3 days of work to do in a day. Plus I need to pack for Christmas, skiing and the next couple weeks. Anyway, I drove back and forth to Lawrence late last night just sand a layer of drywall compound and put on the final coat. I was driving my Honda Insight Hybred. That was an experience. I sure hope the roads are better today than last night. I had to shovel the driveway of the house I’m working at to get up the drive. That was at about 1 am. It was amazing how many people were driving around in Lawrence at that time.
I went by the bike clubs Christmas party over at Nan and Adam’s. It was good. I hadn’t eaten dinner, so I snacked my way through. I really didn’t eat a proper meal all day yesterday. That is how is seems to go in times like this. I’ve been feeling pretty iffy, so it really doesn’t matter. Trudi has been flat on her back the last 3 days with the flu. She actually passed out and woke up on the kitchen floor. That doesn’t happen to me, but when she was telling friends her ordeal at the holiday party last night, they all had have that happen. That would scare the shit out of me.It snowed about 8 inches last night. First real snow of the year. It has iced a bunch, but not that much snow. Last big shopping day before Christmas for the working people and slick roads. That’s not good. We do drive better, as a group, in snow here, than the people down in Dallas. I guess that experience pays off in that respect.
Okay, how about the World Cup in Namur? Belgium had a really off day as a country. Only 3 riders in the top ten, two on the podium. They didn’t win, Francis Mourey did. WIth Lars van der Haar in the miz with his early season success, they aren’t having a great World Cup season. I didn’t see the whole race, just a few clips from the action. That course looked pretty unbelievable treacherous.
Alight, I’m not really very creative today. I’m already thinking of the order of things I have to do working. I’d better get on that.

Half the drives in my neighborhood look like this in the fall. The weird thing is that they aren’t even going to pick them up for three weeks because of the holiday trash service schedule. They don’t do yard waste at this time.

Also, another pet pieve, not cleaning the gutters in front of your house. It’s the homeowners responsibility people. It’s the only way the whole drainage system works. Now with all this snow, this storm sewers will be valueless when it melts.
Heinz sells Richard Virenque in a can? Who knew?
I live in Topeka, and I’ve never once bagged leaves for the landfill. I’m far too lazy for that, and the leaves make great mulch and compost anyway, so I mulch half of them back into the yard, and the rest I vacuum up with the chipper/vac (a useful tool if you have an oak tree, they shed twigs and small branches pretty often). It’s weird, people throw away good fertilizer and then spend big bucks for fertilizer derived from oil.
Those darn leaves. Every year there’s a whole lot of oak leaves all over my yard. But there are no oak trees on my property. The neighbors out walking their pooch are expected to gather up the doggy doo-doo and they do. Nobody looks at leaves the same way. Why is it that I’ve got to rake up the leaves from their trees? It’s all conifers in my yard, no leaves fall at all, yet I spend hours every autumn disposing of someone else’s leaves. Maybe I’ll go to a city council meeting and see if I can get some kind of ordinance passed to make land owners responsible for their leaves. Might be difficult to assign a blown leaf to a particular tree but we do have DNA testing, it’s probably feasible. Or I could keep a watch on the trees and follow a particular leaf as it falls and blows over to my yard and then inform the neighbor that one of his leaves had escaped and come over to my place. Dandelion seeds are another issue. Three years ago there wasn’t a dandelion in the yard, now it’s crawling with them. They came from someplace, probably that dump down the street where they hardly ever mow the lawn.
I’m right there with you on the leaves, Steve. We always make it an event each fall-rake ’em up into a big pile, and light ’em up! Love to watch them burn…
I gotta say that I have never felt the way I did with the flu this year. I had it on Sat morning and it knocked me flat on my back too. I thought I was going to pass out, my arms were very heavy and body felt really weird. My son also had it and he did pass out, got very scary fast. We were in the ED with him and he was admitted. Truly scary stuff. The good news is that it passes quickly it seems. :/