I got up to the mountains in Colorado late yesterday afternoon. It is truly amazing how quickly I can get here. It is close to 650 miles up to Beaver Creek from Topeka, but it seems to go so quickly.
I can’t believe I forget how scenic that Colorado is. Everytime I come here I am constantly looking everywhere. There are signs on the Interstate saying about the bike race and the road closures. Also, on I-70, it says to expect delays of 2-4 hours driving out of the mountains on Sunday afternoon. That is insane.
I had a place in Boulder a long time ago and there were never backups on the interstate. But, there are more people traveling now for sure.
The place I stayed last night in Beaver Creek was off the charts beautiful. It is enlightening seeing how “the other half” lives. But in this case it would be now the other 1/70,000,000 live.
I’m in Glenwood Springs, heading to Aspen to ride and then meet up with some people for dinner again. I had a crazy bad headache all night last night. I assume it is because of the altitude. So, needless to say, I didn’t sleep great. One good part of that was it took my mind off my stomach aliment.
I’ll post more later. Seems like the day is getting away already.

Bromont eating breakfast this morning at the very top of Bachelor Gulch. He had a blast running around in the aspen trees.
Gorgeous house – Bromont looks a little underweight – no?
I use ginger chews when my stomach is acting up. Health food stores have them. Seems like they work when I am riding hard and my stomach goes south so I always carry them.
Glenwood Canyon is amazing (a river, train tracks, bike path, and 4 lanes of interstate all crammed in).
Also, those Sunday delay warnings have been up for at least a few weeks. And they aren’t kidding, we witnessed it on a Sunday as we were heading west to Avon/Beaver.