I was having a pretty bad day yesterday. I woke up in a funk, still sleepy and partial destroyed from racing two hot criteriums over the weekend, in subpar form. It took me until noon to get out of the house. I decided that I needed some coffee, I usually only drink tea in the morning. Anyway, I was sitting at the Flying Monkey moping about how screwed up my body is right now, when I look out the window and see this guy hauling down the sidewalk.
It was around 100 degrees out already and pretty muggy. There is this guy in his mid 20’s, in a gray t-shirt, wearing a ball cap backwards, in a wheelchair. His tempo was super quick, obviously in a hurry, he has purpose in his rhythm. He didn’t have legs.
I immediately did a reality check. I was thinking, “What the fuck am I all depressed about?” Here I am all fatigued from riding a bike race, poorly, in 100 degree heat and look at this guy. The guy seemed way more upbeat than me. Me, who was sitting inside an air conditioned, groovy, coffee shop, moping.
It is so sad when I have to see something like that to snap me out of something that really is trivial, like not feeling good. It is very hard being an athlete and not being overly consumed about body sensations. On a daily, maybe hourly basis. It kind of makes you self centered to a degree. I think athletes have to be self centered in that respect, to make sure that they are doing everything in their power to compete at their highest level, but when it comes down to real life and world issues, one bad weekend/month/summer is sort of irrelevant.
So, that was enough to get me back centered again, at least for the last 1/2 of the day. I went out on the, now, 6 pm group ride and everyone was amped up from racing, or not. It was pretty lively. I ordered a couple live cat traps from Amazon and got them, so I set them to trap some more feral cats for my own catch/spay/release program. It seems to be never ending. I don’t plan on getting bit this time though. I never do.
I’m planning to start my heat acclimation training today. Maybe it’s not going to be hot enough, hardly triple digits. Okay, I hope I don’t have to see someone that is really down and out to appreciate more days from now on, it doesn’t seem right.

I bought these new boots to mow in. They ain't Redwings. I have super skinny ankles. Actually, all my bones are really small. I guess it's alright for a good power to weight ratio.
I got this Gibbons Slackline last week. I’ve only tried it once, up in Cable with the CXC guys. I sucked. I figure if I do this shoulder operation, at least I can try to get some balance back into my system.
with your tendency for DVT you’d better watch your hydration status on Wednesday. The laws of physics with regard to homeostasis and temperature regulation still apply, wheelchair-bound people or no. The means by which your body transfers heat when the ambient temp is greater than body heat may work less efficiently. Beware.
The arm… Keith Richards?
Nah, probably not- too pristine.
Is that Jay’s arm?
Nope on both.
hmm, that be Wayne’s arm no?
Man, Topeka keeps creeping closer and closer to Austin . . .
Yep-That is Wayne Stetina’s arm. Man, is he skinny right now. He is like Ned, just losing skin and gaining blood or something.
I was gonna say Ned!
Be careful with that slack line or your ankle might end up like your shoulder. And it is definitely harder to pedal with a tore up ankle, than it is to pedal with a tore up shoulder.
My Gibbon slack line was about the best $80 I’ve spent in a while. Very addictive, and if you set it up 2 feet off the ground…super safe. Have fun with it.
here’s a slackline plan for you…
I have days like that and then I go in to a house to work on something and see folks down way down on their luck,, Always wounder what it is that I am so down about.. Things are good.., even when the form and speed is not.
We all need perspective and to be centered from time to time. I think you are the only athlete I have ever heard (read) say that. Much respect for you Steve. In my line of work I try to keep myself centered daily and it can be very hard.
Steve, Got turned on to ur blog 4 months ago and I read it everyday. It’s the Only blog I read. You have a great knack for putting real thoughts on paper that we can relate to. Thanks.
Anyways I was curious about the Tilford spay and neuter program, do u take to SPCA or do you break out ur trusty park tools and do it urself. I have a few stray dogs that I was thinking about fixing.
Nope, I have a super good vet here in Topeka. I just take the cats over there and they take care of the rest. I’m on a new plan on never touching the cats at all. Cage to vet, back to animal carrier, by out to the wild. We’ll see how that goes. Caught two today, but I’d already had them fixed. Notches in their ears.