Pleasure would be bike racing and I guess business is nearly about anything else, especially construction. I can’t believe how sore I’ve been the last few mornings. I have to admit that I’m spending many too many hours a day on my knees, but this is ridiculous. But, it’s nearly over.
Yesterday I’d say I got to 90 something percent completion, so I’m calling it quits and heading to Austin for a couple days until the races back in Dallas on the weekend. It is much better riding in Austin, compared to Richardson, plus my friend Ann (and dog Stanley) needs a visit. She is going to a 3D Titan movie tomorrow night, which I’ve never seen.
I hope to recover some the next three days. Especially my hamstrings. Enough to get some fitness out of the first critieriums I’ve ridden this season. It should be interesting. Okay, I need to get going to miss the traffic around here.
I am a carpenter in Colo. and grey weathered wood sells for a premium. You might try to sell the wood.
Go get em Tilf.