Monthly Archives: November 2011

Stormin’ in Southern California

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I think yesterday might of been the first day I’ve ever traveled to Southern California and haven’t ridden. It pretty much rained the whole day. I was planning on riding still, even if it was just raining, but by the time we drove from Jimmy Mac’s down to La Jolla, the weather turned pretty bad. I got dressed to go ride, but didn’t even make it down the hill before turning around. These guys say that there are never thunderstorms here, but there was definitely thunder and lightening. Plus, it was coldish, in the lower 50’s.

We stopped in Beverly Hills on Melrose Avenue to walk around a little on the way back. That district is something that you’ll not find anywhere else on this planet. The building, the people and the clothing are all beyond unique. It is kind of bohemian with a California twist. Super interesting, but just for a little bit.

We were going to go by the Getty Museum, but with the rain coming down in sheets, we figured our stop would just get us stuck in LA traffic for hours, so we baled. I’ve been there before, so it wasn’t such a loss.

I feel kind of iffy right now riding, so maybe the day off was okay. There is a cyclocross in Longbeach tomorrow. Maybe, with all the rain, it won’t be so dusty. Don and Sue are trying to get me up to the mountains to Idyllwild, where they have a mountain house. I guess we’re going to ride here this morning and try to figure out the rest of the weekend later. No rain today, the sky is clear. It should be a zoo on the coast. Not from tourists, but from cyclists, which is always good.

Jimmy Mac's pump track in his backyard.

The buildings on Melrose Avenue are over the top. It was a pretty big change from hanging out in the morning at Jimmy Mac's rural abode.

The shoe stores are everywhere with most of the shoes looking somewhat like this.

Or like this.

Winter in California

This entry was posted in Racing on by .

I was walking around Jimmy Mac’s back porch, barefoot, when his wife, Gail (Gale?), said something like it really feels like winter. I was in shorts and short sleeves and just picked a bunch of fresh oranges off their tree. I was wondering what Gail was noticing that gave her the inclination that winter had arrived? Yesterday was cooler, but in the mid 60’s. Today is in the lower 50’s, but damp. It is supposed to be raining all afternoon again. Maybe that is winter in Southern California? I don’t know, but it feels alright to me. I rode 3 1/2 hours yesterday through Rancho Santa Fe, but I did have arm warmers on when I started.

I went down the hill this morning to have breakfast with Don and Sue in La Jolla. There are tons of great places to eat. There is also a farmer’s market. I posted pictures a few months back, but I’ll put a couple more here. It is amazing how big and all encompassing the thing is. So many choices of fresh vegetables, bakery items, rugs, jewelry, etc. I bought a couple cinnamon rolls and called it a day.

I’m going to ride a little now and see how it feels. I have a head cold. I think it is from the dusty races last weekend, plus the Santa Anna’s blowing in from the desert, but maybe it was from flying here. I don’t know. I don’t feel that horrible, but can envision feeling a lot worse when I get back to Kansas in a couple days. I feel like I’m kind of teetering on the brink of getting well or going to the dark side. The cross race isn’t until this afternoon. I’ll know more about my body and the weather by then.

This is one of my favorite houses in La Jolla. It hangs over the cliff walk, where the pelicans roost for the night.

This statue is in Cardiff and they dress it up for different occasions. The is for breast cancer awareness.

Since we can't sell wine in the grocery stores in Kansas, it always seems foreign to me when I go into a grocery in California and there are isles upon isles of wines.

This family was ahead of me in the bakery in Rancho. They are wearing their down sweaters when I was wearning shorts and short sleeves.

This old cart is in La Jolla. The canoe/boat is hand carved.

And these photos are for Ted, who didn’t like my picture from a couple days ago of “exotic” cars. These photos were all taken in a 100 meter walk, parked on the street. You know, out for the Sunday drive, breakfast gaunt.