Normally when I’m not racing on the weekend, I can’t tell the difference between the weekdays and weekends. Not really. Yesterday was different. It started slow and got progressively busier.
I was not going to go to the Handmade Bike Show again. I’m still feeling bad. But, I got a couple phone calls. One from a one friend, Laura Peycke, who is a Veterinarian at Texas A&M. She was driving over to Austin to go to the show. I was already dressed to ride, so I told her I’d meet up with her later.
It was nearly 85 degrees here yesterday. I just rode the 15 miles up to Ann’s house and picked up a couple ceramic bearing bottom brackets that didn’t make it in time for ‘cross worlds last month and rode back. I feel like shit.
I didn’t get to the show until 4 pm and right then they were giving Kent Ericksen a best of show award for the tandem he brought. I ran in to a bunch of people I hadn’t seen Friday. Suzette from Fi’zi:k, Wayne Stetina, etc. So, I hung there for an hour and went out with Laura to catch up. It was great seeing her and I wish she didn’t have to take off so quickly.
Anyway, in the mean time, Ann called and had some great Diana Ross tickets for a 7:30 Austin City Limits show. I was supposed to go to dinner with the Eriksen crew, so called George and Diana, who I’m staying with, and they were stoked to go. I had to rush up to Ann’s house to get the tickets and then drive the 15 miles south to deliver them.
I finally got back to downtown Austin to pick up Kent, Katie and Bo at 8 pm. We went to South Congress again. I was pretty done by the time we sat down to eat. But, we did get some awesome ice cream afterward at Amy’s.
I didn’t get back to George’s until nearly midnight and still needed to take Bromont around. These past three days were not the way to get better quickly from this lung crud I have going on.
Today I’m supposed to meet up the the Steamboat crowd and ride MTB on the Greeenbelt. That is going to be way too hard for me, but I’m going anyway. The beat goes on.

Iowa girl makes good in New Zealand on Sunday. Amanda Miller wins final criterium. Pretty great Amanda!
>>>Best of Show award for dress, ATMO. Suzette.
[X] like atmo.
go see a doc