Today was cold for Austin. Barely 40 degrees. I can’t believe how easy it is to get used to warmth and then 40 seems cold. I rode 50 miles today. Out West of town with Robbie for a couple hours. His computer programs must be pretty good. He doesn’t seem to have to be around that much. Maybe the other 90 computer guys working for him take up the slack. I don’t know.
Today I’m riding MTB, with Robbie once again. 40 something is pretty great temperatures for riding off road. I’m a little worried about my thumb working. It isn’t that great still from Jingle Cross. I’m borrowing one of Robbie’s bikes. He’s a big (tall) boy, so it might be just a tad large. That is fine. Beggers can’t be choosers.
The Verizon iPhone announcement today didn’t go all that well for AAPL (Apple stock) or VZ (Verizon). Both the stocks were down, on a generally up day for the market. But, I am relieved that AT&T isn’t going to be the sole provider of service for the iPhone pretty soon. I can’t say that I’m even close to pleased with the AT&T service. I thought it was bad in Topeka or Cable. Man, in Austin, it is horrendous sometimes. The data doesn’t hardly seem to work anywhere and the calling is hit or miss. More miss in my case it seems. Guess it is just the population density.
I’m going to have some Active Release Technique done at 11 am. I’m not really sure what it is, but I do have some issues. Maybe it will help. I’ll let you know on that. I hope it clears up some of my problems.
I need to get the other TRP CX 9 brake on my bike. The front brake is working great. So much more stopping power than a normal cantilever brakes. The adjustment is kind of tricky, but you don’t need a travel agent to get the levers to work good. Just a true wheel.
Okay. I’m getting real close to getting a ticket to Europe. I do have 4 days.

I heard that half the sales at Mellow Johnny's were jerseys, etc. Doesn't surprise me after going there.
i had active release done yesterday for my back and neck. i feel great today, although i felt rather nauseous for the better part of the afternoon. small price to pay for the return of a normal and pain-free range of motion. good luck.
Steve, I love reading your posts about Austin. My dad grew up there, and we spent a lot of vacations there. I haven’t been back there for 15 years, but I still love hearing about Zilker park etc.