Ciao! Good Riddance!

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Kirk Obee is gone, banned from the sport, for life. Now if he just had to pay all his earnings back, he could be the first to qualify under the new rules below. If you want to read a long and convoluted defense, click here for the USADA arbitration PDF. (It takes a lot to get evidence introduced into one of those hearings.) I wonder what is in store for Nathan O’Neille’s future in the sport of cycling. The way the process is working now, he’ll probably be alright.

Happier times after he finished 2nd in Philly in 2007. Oh no, that result has be forfeited. Shoot.

8 thoughts on “Ciao! Good Riddance!

  1. tilford97 Post author

    I haven’t been critical of Dewey? I haven’t addressed Dewey, yet. I plan to. After some thought. I’ve been putting off that thought so far. Sorry.

  2. M.E.

    It’s ok. I wanted to yell at him when I first read about his lifetime ban. I was surprised in 2001 when he first tested positive, and really dissappointed to read that he had continued to dope after the first test.
    I’m interested in what you have to write about him, because you’ve known him a lot longer than I have. I met him in 1999 or 2000.

  3. KermitT79

    Steve Baby,

    I’m trying to care about this, you’ve lost a lot of dough. Some of us haven’t even been in the game…

    But my son is jump’n around like a bed bug. And it is just great.

    Who give’s a shit these days, as they say the pills were for Gramma, she’s gots dementia, so I have to lock them in a safe.

    Did anybody notice the Nation is going down the drain? What is law if you have money…

    What is a Name if you have Fame? With Fame you have a name, any body will take your money…



    And man I need readers I’m going to be 49 what’s with the cone eyetest?

  4. Neil Kopitsky

    Keep shaming the dopers, Steve. Someone sure needs to.
    The problem is that it can be tough to find the victim. The next guy on the podium, or the guy just off the podium, are likely doping too, it seems.
    It’s the guys who have to make a choice between playing the doping game or racing at a different level, or not at all, who are the victims.
    My ten year old is already passionate about racing on the track. On the off chance that he has talent, what can I do as a responsible parent? Is it fair for me to encourage him in sport knowing that at some level, he will have to make that choice?
    And notice I said “sport” rather than “a sport.” There is nothing about cycling that makes me think it is more infested than any other sport we watch at an elite level.

  5. Paul Deninger

    Scrap dope testing completely. It’s too hard to get caught.
    From now in, in my book, If you win a major race = doping = lifetime ban.
    That’ll thin out their ranks a little.

    (Sorry if there’s mutiple posts, I’m having trouble passing the human test)

  6. GD

    I think it’s safe to say that Suzanne Johnson knows how to make good on a grudge. It might be a little (more) awkward raising the kids. Yikes.


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