Have you ever noticed how fast the “air” leaks out of a tire after you filled it with a CO2 cartridge? C02 must be alot smaller than air and leak out way, way faster. I wonder how many people change their tube again the next day after they flatted thinking that they must have another slow leak?
I hate it when a guy in a car honks and yells like crazy when I roll a stop sign. Not blatantly run a stop sign, but almost stop, look both ways and proceed. I had a guy go off today out in the country when I didn’t stop for a rail road crossing sign in the middle of nowhere when you could see miles in each direction.
I think that I ride bikes better physically maimed than chemically maimed. Chemical, like in antibiotics. I feel pretty bad 24/7. Kind of like the flu, all day. And I ride even worse than I feel. That’s not a good sign for this weekend in Downer’s Grove.
I can’t believe how fast the summer seemed to go this year. It was only hot a couple weekends all summer. That means cyclo-X is starting in less than a month. Where did the time go?
Gateway Cup over Labor Day Weekend in St. Louis is going to be extra good this year with the Tour of Missouri happening at the same time and place. You should make your way over there if you have an opportunity.
Tubular tires ride a lot better than clincher tires. That is an undisputed fact!

The world is weird? Who made this and what is it for?

I took this photo at a gas station in Iowa. Some energy pill. I was thinking maybe Mark Cavendish could use this guy for his leadouts. (He really is the World's Fastest Cyclist, technically.)