I haven’t been feeling my best. Pretty banged and scabbed up. A little infection here and there. I’m still trying to get some form of fitness for this time of the year. Not sure what the best formula is for that, but something is usually better than nothing. Anyway, I’ve decided to just ride my bike. Go out and ride on the unbelievable nice roads here in Southern Wisconsin. It is very picturesque here. I am not worrying about training. No worry about wind direction, speed, hills, etc. Just going out and getting lost for few hours and then figure my way back.
Today I started with a tailwind. I felt bad right from the first pedal stroke. When I feel like that and want to get in some miles, I usually ride tailwind first. I put on my headphones and started riding Northeast. It got better after the first hour or so. Anyway, I ended up riding 40 or so miles NE and saw a sign for Waterford, Wisconsin. I hadn’t been there for quite awhile and thought I’d go by and visit Richard Schwinn and Co. at Waterford Bicycles.
I rode for the Schwinn Professional Team for 4 years, so I knew where the building was. I’d been up there for dealer visits etc. during those days. I got my team bike stolen out of my garage one time and Mike Farrell, the team director, sent me a plane ticket to Chicago for the next day and I went up to Waterford and returned with a new bike. That was pretty cool.
Anyway, Richard Schwinn was in his office and gave me the Tour. I have know Richard almost since I started racing bikes. He is an bicycle advocate through and through. Passionate for sure. He told me his daughter is working for Zipp and is carrying on the tradition. To me, it didn’t seem like a lot had changed since the Paramount days. They had a lot of custom lugs there for the Anniversary Paramount Framesets. They were beautiful. Hand made, hand welded stainless steel. Nice.
Last week I was in Waterloo at the Trek Factory. Now, this week at Waterford. They almost couldn’t be more different. Different for sure, but beautiful/functional in their own respective way.

Marc Mueller and Richard Schwinn.

Steel frames waiting for some rear triangles to be attached. Seems like there were a lot of cross bikes going out.

A cross frame just welded.

A box of mitered tubes. Check out the lugs. Pretty.
Beautiful shot of the box of mitered tubes and the lugs. A shot worthy of VeloNews and who couldn’t love a shot of the men behind the bikes.