I have a hard time just being a fan and not projecting myself into the race. But, watching the Cyclocross Worlds yesterday was beyond awesome. It was the best bike race spectating that I’ve ever experienced and I’ve seen a ton of bike races.
I was pretty worried if I’d hold up with only 3 hours of semi-sleep before. We rode our bikes from the hotel and made it in time for the junior start. The next 7 hours went by in a blur. All 4 races were spectacular. Three Dutch winners and then Sven. Pretty good stuff.
I’m gonna cut this short this morning. We’re high tailing it back to Kansas this morning, hopefully settling in somewhere to watch the Super Bowl. If I had a little extra time, I’d like to go by the park and check out the venue. The water was fast approaching the sand bagged area, so I’m thinkin’ much of it might be flooded already.
I’ve been pretty much covered in mud, nearly wearing the same clothes for the past three days and I love it.
Okay, sorry about the short, boring post, but life gets in the way sometimes.
Here are some photos from yesterday in no particular order.