Author Archives: Steve Tilford

Kohl positive EPO. 4 down ???? to go.

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I love this list from Velonews! They just keep slashing the names off the results sheet after the fact. It kind of reminds me of a conversation going on while I was sitting up in Purgatory (ski resort outside Durango) in the early 90’s, waiting out a huge thunderstorm before a downhill. The downhillers were talking about how marijuana was being added to the drug control list. A past, unnamed here, World Champion piped in that “if that is the case, they’re gonna have to throw out everyone in the top 20”. Might just be appropriate now.

Free Weekend…not really

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I should be on the East coast racing the two UCI ‘cross races there, but instead, am sitting here in Topeka with a sucking chest cold.  Probably just fall allergies, but I’m a horrible sick person during the season.  And, I have a tendency to not get over these things too quick, so it really weighs on my psyche.  There are a couple local ‘cross races that I’ll go and watch.  I don’t mind watching local races, but am not into watching bigger races that I think I should be racing.  Kind of weird.  So, back to the drawing board with fitness.  It is hard not to just lose fitness all fall until ‘cross Nationals in December.  That is why it is so important not to get sick much later than now.  There just isn’t enough time to recover.  Sometimes there isn’t enough good weather, either.  That is two strikes that are almost always thrown.  So, the message here is, don’t do anything stupid the next couple months to get sick.  OK.  That’s all the energy I have for now.