Author Archives: Steve Tilford

Johnny’s Java Cross-UCI C2 Middletown, Ohio

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Day 2 done. Things went better today for the Kansas gang, but the results won’t reflect that. The course is awesome. A much different course from yesterday. It flowed much better with a U-turn through a sand pit and some other well thought out sections.

The start is on a grass field with the barriers pretty within the first 30 seconds. It was just as hot as yesterday, mid 80’s. I got an OK start and was 5th or so over the barriers. There was a huge crash 100 meters from the line and it split up the field pretty good. I kind of faded a bit towards the end of the first lap, start of the second lap and ended up riding with Marko LaLonde in 9th and 10th for a couple laps. He was going good pulling the whole time. About half way through the race just before he was going to catch the group going for 6-8th I flatted. I instantly went under the tape having no desire to try to play catch up for UCI points. Tomorrow is a UCI C1 race with double points 15 places deep, and anyway it would of been a stretch to get any points today without a monumental effort. I think Marko ended up riding up to finishing 6th. Pretty good race.

Catherine was riding better, but had a chain issue that made her frequent the pit enough that she lost all motivation to race. Bill was pretty much on the same schedule. He has been into the pit more the last two days than any other rider by far I’d guess. I think he has quite properly it figured out now— hopefully.

Jeremy Powers schooled everyone as Katie Compton did in the women’s race. Georgia Gould flatted, ran half a lap and still ended up riding up to 6th. Jerimah Bishop finished 2nd, Barry Wicks 3rd, etc. Pretty much the same 5 as yesterday.

So, we had to hunt down a new chain for Catherine’s bike, glue a new tire on my rear wheel and stick Bill’s spare bike away in the depths of the van where it won’t be needed for the rest of the year hopefully.

Another start photo.

Lead group after a couple laps.

Marko and me.

My view for a couple laps.

Bio Wheels/United Dairy Farmers Harbin Park Cyclo-Cross (UCI C1)

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Back at home. Nearly 4 am. 13th place again today. Not what I was hoping for, but exactly what I deserved. I rode mediocre. Not sure why. Thought I might have a good day. Guess not. But, I’m not dwelling on it. Some things are pretty hard to figure. I’m blaming it on the heat right now. It was in the upper 80’s. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by more than a degree or two. Troy Wells said something on the line like-“fun, fun – cyclo-x at 90 degrees.”

The course was great. Alot of terrain changes and elevation. Dusty because it hadn’t rained this year in Cincinnati. But, good, none the less. About 60 guys lined up for the Elite Men’s start. Pretty good turnout. Jeremy Powers won for the 3rd day in a row. Jerimiah Bishop was 2nd again. Broke his chain in the sprint for 1st and had to run to the line I guess. Troy Wells rode super and stayed in contention until the last lap and finished 3rd.

If I had been just a bit better early on I would of been racing for 9-11th. That is the best it could of been. That doesn’t thrill me much. But, that is the way it was. I started OK and pretty much destroyed my lungs the 1st lap. From then on it was nearly survival. Every once in a while I thought I was going to get going good, but that feeling never stayed around very long. I went all the was back to 17th and clawed my way back into the top 15 point mix. I fell on the last lap by augering my pedal into the ground in a corner. Bent my rear hanger pretty good and had to ride the last lap in either an 11-12-13 in the back. It didn’t really matter. I passed one guy and got to ride in easy. 4 UCI points for the weekend. Lots of suffering for not much return. But, it was still fun.

OK. Going to bed. Pictures later today.

Long sleeves at 90 for Joachim next to me.

Riding by myself which I did most of the day.

Sand pit.