Author Archives: Steve Tilford

And the beat goes on.

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Cycling is a weird thing. This season started out pretty well. For the first three months, 6th was the worst place I had finished. Then April and May came. I didn’t/haven’t finished a race in nearly a month. I’ve only started 3. Pretty crazy. I would of normally raced 20 days or more. But, I haven’t had much of an ability, physically, to start races. I thought about going down to Joe Martin last week, but decided against it last minute. I don’t know if that was a good decision. Just yesterday, my hips finally quit oozing. Over a month. One course of antibiotics. But, that wasn’t the main problem. It is most likely allergies, since it’s now becoming a yearly thing at the same time of the year. Anyway, it is less than a week until the memorial day races up in the Quad cities. Snake Alley on Saturday. It should be interesting. I’m on a day by day basis. Can’t usually decide whether I need to rest or train. It is a coin toss.

I’m putting together a new Trek 6.5 Madone for the weekend. It should be the best riding frame I’ve ever ridden if it is anything like the 5.2 from last year. Something to get excited about at least. OK. That’s it for now.

Snake Alley – Congratulations Dewey!!!

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I’ve been having some “issues”. I’ve slept very little the last 4 nights. And had two surgical procedures. So 19th was better than I desired and the worst place I’ve ever placed. I’ll probably try to explain more later, but I don’t have the words to adequately/appropriately disclosed the problems. It will involve alittle personal sharing on my part that I’m not comfortable with right now. Hint: Eddie B was right when he said don’t sit on cold concrete.

On a more positive note-a big congratulations to Dewey Dickey for winning the PRO race here. He has been riding this race for a couple decades and has come so close to many times. According to Brian (Jensen) 2nd, Dewey was crazy strong today and deserved the win. This is after already racing/ winning the masters race this morning. I think that is a total of 32 lap. Go figure.