Author Archives: Steve Tilford

Photos from the past-Coors Classic

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Mike Hanley emailed these photos from the 1985 Coors. The first couple shots I think are from Aspen circuit race. But, they might be North Boulder Park when they had the hill in it. Davis is riding for 7-11, but is wearing the yellow sprint jersey.  Looks like it must of been pretty steep from our bike, body and hand positions.  It’s amazing how few photos I have from the olden days of racing. Digital cameras are pretty cool, huh?

Steve, Davis Phinney, Bob Roll, East German guy, Dutch guy.


French guy, Davis, Steve, Ron Keifel, Dutch guy.


Feed Zone shot, Morgul Bismark-my Trudi, Shelley Verses, April Fatka, April Wilburn

Sticking to the sheets!!!

This entry was posted in Racing on by .

Just “finished” Athens Twlight Criterium.  And I mean finished.  I think I’ve raced this race 8 times and had a 50% crash ratio.  Now it is much higher.  I’m not sure what the reasons are.  The road is worse.  But, the crashes happen continuously.  I don’t have enough money to keep the supply of tegaderm stocked to keep entering this event.  I fell twice.  And that was enough.  I am mildly depressed.  I was pretty gassed when the 2nd crash happened.  I though, “that was good, now I can rest for a couple laps”.  That might be the first time in my life I wanted to take a free lap.  I usually get sort of stale during free laps.  Anyway.  My butt doesn’t have much skin left.  And that is on top of not having much skin left from falling at Sea Otter last weekend.  Only 6 more criteriums in the next 7 days.  Should improve from here I’d hope.