I know, that isn’t a very impressive title. A 1000 miles by early February is nothing special. It is this year, for me, because I am fairly surprised that I’m even riding by now. A couple months ago I wouldn’t have been surprised if I was still told not to ride my bike outside. Head trauma isn’t something to mess around with. I’ve learned that the hard way.
Yesterday, the weather cooperated and a few of us got out for 70 miles. That is about as far as I can ride now. I’ve been riding bigger miles, early season, recently, but that isn’t possible as of now. Plus, I have a chest/head cold thing going on, so it isn’t a great idea pushing it from that perspective
Last night was a trifecta astronomically. A full moon, a moon eclipse and a comet passing close to the earth. I guess that is special on a birthday, but I’m not sure what. I’m into astronomy, so it is cool.
Today it is supposed to be nice too. In the 60’s. That isn’t really normal for February in Kansas, but it isn’t that unusual. It is nice for my working friends to have good weather on the weekends. This weekend it is exactly that.
Anyway, I’m gonna keep plugging away. It is a bit frustrating. Tweaking training isn’t the easiest thing for an older athlete. I think I’ve done a fairly good job of it my whole life. But having to change training because of an injury that is super foreign, and quite unknown, is a little more difficult than the normal broken collarbone, etc.
I still hate wearing a helmet. I guess I need to get a winter helmet and the another one for the warmer weather. For some reason, unknown to me, when my head gets cold, or just gets hits by cold wind, my head aches. It sort of feels like it is still fractured, which, I hope, it isn’t. My helmet is too small to fit even a thin hat under it. I’m pretty glad it is 1/2 way through winter. In March, the weather normally gets a lot warmer.
Okay, I’m just babbling. I feel sorry for all of the cyclists that live in the Northeast. Big snowfall there that is going to be on the ground for a while. I guess it is winter still.

This is Amanda Coker. She rides around 1000 miles every four days. She is on schedule to smear the World Record of most miles ridden on a bicycle in one year. Man or woman. Her distance per day and average speeds are incredible.
I have no issues with helmet winter or summer, but I have no hair, so maybe that’s it? The ONLY thing that fits over my bald noggin and keeps the Iowa cold out (and covers the ears, doesn’t ride up or annoy me) is the DoWrap “Stubbie” by SweatVac. The rest of the time it’s a simple bandana ala Marco Pantani so all I need to do is twist the little dial on the back of my Limar crash hat http://cycleitalia.blogspot.com/2015/12/limar-official-supplier-to-cycleitalia.html to expand or contract depending on what’s on my head. Perhaps your crash-hat sponsor can supply one just a bit larger so you can do the same rather than have multiple helmets?
Given the context I find it quite impressive.
Amanda’s feats are quite awe inspiring. 60k mi. probably surpasses my lifetime total. Back in the 90s I once spent eight days riding solo around southern Florida. If I had to do that for a month I would lose my mind. I enjoy seeing people take an insane challenges that I would ever consider.
Hey Steve – I work at Gemini Observatories. If you are ever visiting the Big Island of Hawaii I will take you up to Mauna Kea to see our 8.3 meter telescope. Best astronomy place on the planet, IMHO.
TBI brings a suitcase of fun along for the ride. Vertigo one day, headaches and a lack of focus another, memory loss, etc, the symptoms change like a chameleon. In my case the one constant is being cold. Your early season mileage tally is impressive. Glad you are doing so well.
Man I think That Comet spun us into The Summer Already its 85′ in Lost Causes er Las Cruces I mean! Good job on The Recovery Tilly. Yep Kansas Winds rule it I did a few rides from Tucson to Pittsburgh Pa and Kansas had the only wind where I held my bike like a kite so it didnt blow away! Tornados n Hailstorms Furrgggitttaabbouutttittt. Of course when I had prevailing tailwind it was Awesome!!
Steve–I’ve been using this helmet cover. Works pretty well. Still need something for ears.
1,000 miles is awesome, more so considering all that you have been through.
Just to get outside and be able to ride a bike is a blessing, a young man of 19 was hit by a car
and killed in my town yesterday, impossible to comprehend.
quiet the feat for you to be over a 1000 miles already. and Coker does not have the build of a person who has cycled 60k miles in 9 months.
Does seem a bit suspicious.
Steve, heavy duty clear packing tape over the vents on your helmet will keep the wind out. Put on in the winter and a warm head, take off in the summer and you are good to go. Cheap, easy and light.
Easy peasy. https://www.velotoze.com/products/helmet-cover