I flew into LA and met up with Seth Davidson and his wife.

A church on a ride North of San Diego by Couser Canyon. I’m not sure what Revelation 22 12 is, but it must be “moving”.

Sue climbing Couser. I was riding up it with Corky. On Strava, Ned holds the KOM. He was only a bit over 10 minutes faster than us. I bet he was using carbon tubulars. It’s only 5 mph faster than I climbed it.

These border cops were rifling through a woman’s car. I talked to her after and she said the reason was because she lives in LA and was driving to Chula Vista. This was in a parking lot at a fruit market in Rainbow.
I’m not sure either, but pretty sure those church ppl are more into revelations than revolutions. Cool moto there, and the horses. Always back to the horses.
I love the “travel-photos-special-days” here on the Tilford Blog. 🙂
If you more accurately mean “Driving from L.A. to Chula Vista via Bonsall and Valley Center” I’d say that the border officer wss most likely on to something.
That’s a fair number of miles away from I-5 (which is a direct route between the two cities).
Krakatoa-There are lots of reasons she could have been driving on I-15. Such as she lives east by San Bernardino. Or she was going a bit east of Chula Vista. Or I-5 was jacked up with traffic like it is many times. She had California plates and spoke English pretty well. I wouldn’t have “appreciated” my van being searched by those guys.
Then again, perhaps she just prefers driving an extra 24 miles to get to the same place…
The Border Patrol is legally allowed to search ANY vehicle they wish within a 100 mile radius of the border at the fixed checkpoints.
Now dats the Re Hab I’m talkin bout. I know thats a Veggie Burger Joint in SoCal?! Jk. Son your lucky The “Migra” didnt see you snappin a foto of them they might have deported you to Kansas!
Hincapie. Eww…
That vehicle search seems to be on the old highway 395 that cyclists such as yourself use to get to places like Temecula from places like San Diego. And NOT on I-15. Am I correct?
So was this lady driving on local, inland roads on her drive to “Chula Vista”, or was she on the interstate highway?
Krak, right now your linked route takes 2:25, the ‘direct’ route down I-5 takes 2:35 (estimated).
” behold I come quickly ” and all this time I thought that was a bad thing…