Gonna be a short one today. Last night wasn’t much sleep. Like virtually none. I’m not exactly sure what I need to be doing right now. Seems like I need to go see a neurosurgeon but I don’t have an appointment under next Wednesday. Maybe I can move that appointment up some. Seems like I should be feeling better as time goes on, not worse. It will be two weeks tomorrow. It is the longest two weeks of recent memory, even though my memory is not the best nowadays.
Okay, if I get feeling better, then maybe I can come up with something better to write about, but this headache thing is overwhelming right now. I don’t quite get it. I’ve wacked my head multiple times during my lifetime and have never felt anything such as this. It is mildly depressing. If this goes on much longer, I might have to consider start wearing a helmet training.

Kula followed me around most of the day yesterday. He slept here as I watched my legs shrink. It really has been super nice weather the last two weeks. Not a very good time to be down and out.
I hope this is just the lack of sleep talking.
Please please wear a helmet from here on out.
A longtime Tilford fan and occasional competitor.
I developed a TBI from a 10mph over the bars crash. Broke the helmet. A week after that I begin experiencing some of the same symptoms as you that ultimately morphed into suicidal ideations, severe depression, seizures and manic behavior. No one diagnosed the TBI until 2014 when finally a good doc familiar with latent TBI drew my blood and found my lithium level was zero. The TBI destroyed my body’s ability to absorb lithium from the environment and maintain it. Lithium carbonate supplements and within a month I was back sleeping with no other symptoms. Not a doc but have them check your lithium level.
Steve, I get that you feel the need to update your blog, as I speculate that it helps you feel a bit more normal since its been part of your daily routine for many years. I suggest asking the docs about it though, as many commentors discussed the need to AVOID screen time to let your brain heal.
Also, you didn’t just “whack” your head like you’ve done multiple times, you cracked your skull! I equate the previous “whacks” to getting shot with a BB gun or maybe even a 22 (either could be lethal) while this injury is like getting shot with a high-powered, elk hunting rifle (much higher percent chance of lethality). Sorry for the gun reference, it was only used to make the point.
Keep blogging if your docs say it’s ok, but please stop blogging for awhile if they recommend you minimize screen time.
This might sound harsh, but maybe you are in a bit of denial about how badly you injured yourself?
Of course he is. He always is. This is a slow motion train wreck.
Tilford trolling the helmet Nazis! I love it!
Steve…be patient. Don’t try to blog…kick back and don’t try to use internet, etc.
Your ”noggin” needs down time big time…..REST…I know how hard that is for you…but you have to do it..REST
We will be here when you get back
Steve, you still have your sense of humor.
Looks like the cat has the rest and relaxation covered during your recovery phase. It appears his cat-staff are treating him well.
tilford is funny!!
terrible, terrible crash.
as usual, making me twist my whine knob waaay down … but I think you’re going to be hosed for a long time. a dismal patience may be required.
The sense of humor is coming back? I hope it was a joke/troll. That would be a good sign.
I think pets sense when someone is suffering and try to help.
good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor steve.
Tilford… jack of all trades
Please Stop thinking about riding, shrinking legs, and nice weather. It doesn’t seem as though you’re taking this injury seriously (as in, it’isn’t “like” past injuries), and you should be. Try to work on turning your mind off for short periods of time…think good thoughts, not thoughts about what you’re missing…….or having to keep your blog updated…
Observe the cat. Learn from the cat. BE the cat, and you will recover.
You will do what you need to do. You will be the best guide as to your needs for recovery. Put all of us out of your mind. Let instinct be your guide. With that as your North Star, Steve, not the rest of us, will you achieve all that is you.
“I don’t quite get it. I’ve wacked my head multiple times during my lifetime and have never felt anything such as this. ” Dude. Head injuries are cumulative, they get progressively WORSE each time. “I might have to consider start wearing a helmet training.” You’re kidding right? This mentallity is why you are flat on your back on the couch right now.