Busy day here in Kansas. Yesterday I drove back to Topeka, from Denver, and got back in time to do a hour and a half ride, just missing getting poured on by a June storm, which was nice.
Then I stayed up late last night trying to jot some notes down for the Memorial Service for Glenda.
This morning I’m supposed to meet up with a van full of juniors that are making their way out to US Road Nationals near Lake Tahoe, from the East, and want to ride for a couple hours. If it’s raining, then I’m just going to stop by and say hi. If not, I’m taking them to Dover and the edge of the Flint Hills. I really hope the rain stay aways.
After that, the memorial for my friend, Glenda Taylor, this afternoon at 3 pm at Washburn University, and then later, a more intimate service. I think Glenda would have enjoyed riding with the juniors too.
I’m going to try to make it down to Tulsa on Saturday to do the last two days of Tulsa Tough. I saw that they had nearly 3000 entries for the weekend. Pretty incredible. Tim and the crew down there have done an amazing job over the years keeping that event super relevant. ANd they do this by making it fun. I think the fields for the Pro/1 NCC races and the 1/2 races are filled. That is 250 PRO 1/2 riders. Pretty cool.
I’m pretty under slept, once again. I’m not sure why that is. Seems to almost be the norm now. It used to be the exception. Better try to get that under control before it controls me.
Okay, today is going to one of those days I didn’t plan for. It will be nice meeting up with a bunch of enthusiastic young cyclists, but the afternoon and evening is going to be challenging.

This guy was riding down I-70 outside of Limon, CO. I saw another cyclist just staying on the shoulder. Weird, not sure it is legal there to ride bikes, but I might be wrong.

This was the temperature driving back and the AC in the van didn’t work. Just another thing to fix. It worked on the way to Colorado, not sure what the deal is now. I sweated through lots of clothing.

Trudi trying to watch the Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup a couple nights ago, on an iPad. Pascal, Vincent and Lisa’s kid, was “helping” her watch.
Steve, I started having trouble sleeping as I’ve gotten older. Your body’s production of melatonin reduces as you age. I’m 61 now and for the past two years I’ve found if I drink 8oz of Montmorency Tart Cherry juice an hour bedfore I go to bed it really helps. The tart cherry juice helps your body produce melatonin. It night be worth a try. Best wishes. -Karen
We used to ride a circuit that put us on I-70 east of Denver (as far as Byers) back in the late 80s. We never had a problem with it. But if traffic was spooky we moved back on to 36 for the ride back home.
The 1987 Nationals 40km was originally to be held on the very flat 36 (Colfax) that parallels and crosses 1-70 but the locals protested and the course was moved to Franktown which was a much hillier course.
Who’s Curb Destroyer ?
Tart cherry juice is great for many things. Find the correct stuff. If it’s not expensive it’s not the correct stuff.
Only the expensive stuff is proven to stimulate leg hair growth.
Great post Steve. I’m guessing the sleep thing is because your clearly an intense and thoughtful guy with huge guts. With Bromont’s death and now this tragedy you’ve got a lot of stuff to keep you up at night.
do what u want, but i bet the juniors are looking forward to talking and riding with u. if it rains, u ought to ride with them anyway..