I haven’t had any time to do anything other than ride my MTB bike, work on my MTB bike and get dusty, plus stuck with cactus thorns. And I can’t see that changing anytime in the next three days.
The “city” at the 24 Hours of Pueblo is crazy and it was still 2 days before the race. It was pretty windy yesterday and there was a ton of dust blowing around everywhere. My biggest concern the whole weekend is getting cactus thorns out. I didn’t touch a cactus yesterday in my 2 1/2 ride, but I was still pulling needles out of my ankles until late last night . Even when you get the needles out, they must leave a residue or something like a locust thorn does, because it still hurts this morning.
The problem is that there are cactus everywhere and dead cactus laying around, so no matter where you stand, you are pretty much standing on cactus. This isn’t good if you’re going to be taking your shoes on and off a bunch, which I assume is going to be the case riding a 24 hour team race.
I did a moderately hard lap yesterday and rode it in a little under 59 minutes. That was pretty good considering how windy it was. I think the fastest laps are around 55 or so. I can see that in a race situation, with less wind. I never went race pace and I’m not even sure I have a race pace in me. Not a race pace for a “normal” couple hour MTB race, but I hope to have the pace for 100 + miles broken up into one hour segments.
Our team is pretty good, but not close to good enough to contend for the win, at least I can’t imagine it. But, I sort of like that, no pressure and a good way to get the flavor of a 24 hour off-road race without the self-imposed stress involved with competing for the win.
I put on some Continental beefy tires that I think are flat proof. Vincent says they are. I’m not sure, but the first lap I rode, they lost a bunch of air and I was riding the last 15 minutes with less than 15 psi in them and I didn’t flat them even though I was bottoming out all the time. They don’t handle that well, but I’ll get better.
For the second lap, I put in 10-15 more pounds pressure and they rode great, at least compared to being under inflated. I am slowly getting my skill set back, drifting a little in the corners and staying off the front brake. That is a hard thing to do, not grab a bunch of front brake when you’re in a panic situation. It can be a huge downfall most of the time.
Today we’re leaving the trailer out at the course and coming back. I’m not riding anymore out there until the race tomorrow. I beat myself up enough yesterday.
The start of the race is a Lemans start, having to run 400 meters up a hill to your bike. I would love to start the race, but I can’t run yet because of my broken hip deal. Vincent runs bad too, so I’m a little worried we’re going to be in dust most of the early race, until it splits up.
I’m hoping to get a new iPhone today before the weekend. My old iPhone 5’s battery sucks and it would be nice to have a charged phone the whole weekend. We have a generator for the trailer, so we can charge our lights and phones, but I figure I’ll be brain dead most of the time, so I’m pretty sure I will forget charging.
Okay, I’m just rambling and doing my mental check list here, which isn’t interesting to anyone but me. It’s supposed to be in the upper 70’s and the low in the 50’s, so it should be really enjoyable in that regard. I’ll try to keep updated here, but like I said above, it might seem like Groundhog Day.

This is pretty representative of what a lot of the course looks like. Lots of cactus hanging over the trail. It flows pretty well, but it’s a little tight for some many people.

Vincent following me yesterday. Some of the 16 miles is open, but mostly singletrack. It might be hard passing easily.

Here’s a old time photo Michael Cleveland put on Facebook, of me racing locally back in the 90’s. I didn’t realize I missed it so much. It’s a little different terrain here.
Those cacti would suck! Also, I’m used to leaning into a corner and going through a branch or two. Not with cactus!
We have a cactus at our house (put it outside to die over the winter (Midwest) and it’s still around and flowering 3 years later) that has big needles and also super tiny needles that look like fur, but tiny ones are the worst. Maybe that’s your situation. I’ve heard of people using duct tape, etc. to pull out those tiny needles, like you’re waxing your legs.
What kind of Conti tires are you using?
24HOP such a fun race and forces one to have a little fitness early in the year! I’ve only done it once, and it was freezing rain most of the night time, rode into the side of a cow sometime around 2AM… raining, dark, afraid of the cactus, couldn’t see, then WTF…! Moooooo! Still a super fun weekend.
I wish I had time to race this year, I’m lucky to get on the bike 3 or 4 times a week now though…
Have a blast!
Passing, this is how you do it – Tyler Bowers style. Just push those wimpy bike riders out of the way
For $10 you can buy an Iphone battery replacement kit that includes a tiny screwdriver and You Tube video instructions on how to open your Iphone 5 and fix it’s crappy battery and put back the screws, etc. It’s kind of daunting, but it totally works and fixes the problem.
The store will cost over $100 or they tell you to replace your phone.
Good luck in the race.
Those trails at McDowel are pretty fast. The last Norba Natinoal event I did was there in 2005. 3 laps of a 27 mile loop. Yep, 81 miles.
Is the last picture from Cactus cup in ATL?
looks like Dornwood to me.