And I really am thankful for Friday. I haven’t slept 6 hours in two nights, trying to get to a point in this bathroom project that I can take a break. And I am taking a break.
Tomorrow I’m flying out to Orange County and going up to Newbury Park to to the Mike Nosco Memorial Ride on Monday . I think this is 5th or 6th year they’ve done the ride. I’ve done it nearly everytime I think. I’ll be staying with my buddy, Jimmy Mac, newly inducted into the MTB Hall of Fall, at Interbike in Las Vegas, a couple months ago.
Today I had PT at 8 ish, and I went to bed at 4 ish. That was ugly. I quit working around 1am, but foolishly decided to put a new back camera in my iPhone when I got home. That project went south after about an hour. First the flash didn’t work, so I took it back apart and repositioned it. Then when I reassembled it, the phone wouldn’t power on, so I took it all apart once again. So by the time I got it going, it was a 2 1/2 hour ordeal. Plus I was half asleep.
So after PT, I went and voted early. There were a ton of people there, but the line went super fast. I don’t really vote for most of the things on the ballot. Retaining judges and such, I have no knowledge of. Governor, senators, etc. I know some about. It is kind a social responsibility, but I never feel that good when I’m done with it. Strange.
Then, changed the oil in the Insight and got the car ready for a road trip. Trudi is going up to Chicago to visit here mom for a few days. It is nice that it only takes 25 gallons of gas roundtrip.
Okay, I have a ton of more stuff to do today, so I doubt I’ll catch up much. It will be nice to get a little down time. I’m a little worried that I’m not fit enough to ride the ride, but that is never the case.

This pipe first broke off, then it took a ton of torching and quenching to finally break it free. It was probably older than me.
‘Me and older folks’? I guess that might be technically accurate. Seems redundant.
I do a mail in ballot so that I can sit at my computer and look up the people I don’t know. See which lying crook appointed them and etc.
Wow. Bang!
You really zinged Steve. That’s some funny stuff. Like SNL-funny! Steve and old folks being redundant. No, you didn’t say that!
Oh man. Burned him good. Ouch. Didn’t see that coming!
I’m not a fan of photo ID states. Good way to disenfranchise the hoi palloi . (and we all know who “they” are). Might be a good idea if voter fraud really existed.
more fuel for my anti-sram-ness. nearly every piece of sram stuff I’ve had has had some real performance and design flaws.