I had kind of a bad night last night, not much sleep, so here are just a couple pictures and thoughts. Just pulling into Madison. Looking forward to trying to get some sleep.
Trudi loaded the car while I tried to sleep this morning. She didn’t fit her bike inside.
Even so, Bromont didn’t get much room.
I listened to the BBC from 2am to 7. Lots of stories about this boat of refugees. They are 650 people on it, with 30 reported asphyxiated in the hull. I nearly cried listening to the accounts.
On a brighter note, I took a picture of a bumblebee yesterday. I like them. They look too big to fly.
This African refugee thing has been going on for quite a while: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/european-refugee-crisis-worsens-in-mediterranean-a-964304.html and has resulted in an anti-immigrant backlash, with big wins for the National Front Party in France, UKIP in the UK, Golden Dawn in Greece, and others: http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refdaily?pass=463ef21123&id=5371ae8a8
wow, very nice photo of a bee at work!!
It looks like Bromont has new toys!!
Yeah. Immigrants. Anti-immigrant backlash by reactionary groups. Glad that sort of thing doesn’t happen here . . .
You could have pulled a Mitt Romney move and put Bromont in a cage on the roof, with the bike inside the car. But I’m glad to see you’ve got your priorities straight.