Today is Trudi’s birthday. Happy birthday! (If you want to wish her happy birthday, you can go to her Facebook page here.) She is still out in Park City, hanging with the BMC guys between Utah and the Pro Challenge next week in Colorado. We’ll have to catch up later.

Here are some of the sights I saw on Tuesday at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.

I parked in the exact same spot as I did last year and the guy remembered me. Weird.

The food is always strange and fun. This is a pork chop on a stick. Iowa is big on pork.

Last year it was deep fried butter, this year candy bars.

Snow White and the Dwarfs made out of butter. Iowa is a big butter state.

The winning piece of handmade furniture. It is way more intricate that it shows in the picture.

Record boar. Big pig.

This little girl was braiding her horse’s mane.

One man band. He was pretty good.

Guy walking around will a really small horse.

I wonder if these kids will come back in 50 years and see their names?

I love the architecture of the arenas.

These guys were getting the toxins removed from their feet.

Pretty groudy water.
The Boar may suffer a heartattack in the near future before his scheduled slaughter..lots of porkchops from that big boy
I can guess what PETA thinks about a farmer continously force-feeding an animal till it could no longer get up, just to win a prize at the State Fair.