I didn’t start today. Stomach issues. Here are the results from today’s Ore to Shore. More later.

Men’s overall results.

Women’s overall top 5.

Action into the final corner, 100 meters from the finish. Cole House leading last year’s winner Brian Matter to the finish.
Congrats to the 3 riders who made it pedalling up Misery Hill. I’m told, unofficially, that only one person did it the first year, no one since then until this year. Three riders pedalled to the top. Number 6 was first. Then 829 did it on a fat tire. Bringing up the rear, Race Official Jeff Stasser from Downwind Sports also did it on a fat tire. Host of the Missery Hill Unofficial Aid Station, Thom Skelding, spent most of his day Thursday clearing the larger rocks off the trail in hopes that someone could make it to the top. Success!