Monthly Archives: May 2012

Giro Starts Saturday

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The Giro starts in a few hours with a 8.7 km time trial. It is going to be on live for nearly 4 hours I think. You can go here and get the links to the streaming video. There will be lots of them.

I’m hoping Taylor Phinney gets the pink jersey today. That would be a feather in his cap for sure and make his mom and dad proud. Anyway, the live coverage starts at 8:30 am midwest time, so 9:30 east coast. If you’re not out on your bike yourself, maybe check it out for a while.

The Jersey Project

This entry was posted in Racing on by .

Yesterday in the mail I got a package from my friend Bill Humphreys. I’ve know Bill since I was a junior. He was a honch riding for the Raleigh Team with John Howard when I first bought a racing bike. We both never left the sport.

Anyway, in the package was a copy of a book that he did, The Jersey Project. Bill told me about the book a couple years ago and we sent him some photos of jerseys that I had tucked away over the years. There are 3 or 4 of my jerseys in the book. Anyway, I haven’t had a bunch of time to go through the book like I want to, but it is definitely worth owning if you’re into cycling. It really is an especially interesting way to use the beauty of the jerseys to help describe and define the history of the sport. You can go here, The Jersey Project, to get a book of your own.

I’m just about ready to brew up a cup of his coffee too. I’ll let you know how it is.

It is always nice getting unexpected gifts in the mail.

One of my jerseys in the book.

There are pages and pages of super cool jerseys from all over the world.

And here's a photo I got from Bill's website. Back when Greg and Lance could stand that close together I guess.