1990 Paris-Roubaix Photos – Links to Live Video

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The 1990 finish of Paris-Roubaix was the closest in history. Steve Bauer was 2nd by less than nothin’. Plankckaert had a better bike throw. Steve’s 2nd place finishes are career dreams for most Pros. Trudi was working for 7-11 then, so I have some photos from the race. Click twice on any of the photos to enlarge. (Or three if you want it really big.)

There are tons of links to the race tomorrow morning. If you have trouble, you can always go to Belgium TV (click here) and start watching at a stupid early hour. SteephillTV has a ton of links too. Plus there is always Cyclingfans.com too. Should be fun.

3 thoughts on “1990 Paris-Roubaix Photos – Links to Live Video

  1. Greg

    I always thought that Bauer won this race, but was cheated out of it because he was not from Belgium.
    Your pic is the only pic I have ever seen that shows the results. Didn’t Bauer take this one to Cort to try to get the win.

  2. tilford97 Post author

    I never heard of Steve going to court about this. He did have a problem in the 1988 Worlds in Belgium, when he was involved in a crash with Claude Criquielion that got him involved in a long court battle which I’m pretty sure he won.


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