I’m about ready to fly to France. I’m flying from Minneapolis to Paris and back from Brussels. Bromont is happily up in his favorite place in the world. I rode the Mama’s ride for the first time. It is about time. 30 guys showed up. Afterwards their was an awesome potluck dinner. I ran into an old friend from the past, Jerome Gundersen, who I knew from San Diego back in the ’80’s. He went to Europe with me (mechanic) back in the Wheaties/Schwinn days. Lots of great experiences back then. And he’s gonna help me with a ton of concrete countertop I need in my kitchen.
How about Cavendish today. I know there needs to be some kind of organization in the teams, but Mark Cavendish showed today that you don’t need a leadout to win. Think about how much time Milram has spent on the front during this race. What was their best place? Not good. Seems like a waste of time much of the time.
Here are some photos from the past couple days.