It didn’t take too much for me to decide not to race this weekend. It was obvious I shouldn’t. But, I do hate watching races that I think I should be racing. I can’t and shouldn’t run a step. It is very bad for this particular injury. But, I also hate rest. I admit it, I am a very bad patient. So, I rode to the local cross race, here in Topeka, and stood around for hours. Then I went out on Saturday night, missed dinner, drank way too much, slept 4 hours and then drove to Lawrence to ride a 100 mile gravel road ride at 7am. It was 31 degrees when I left. Bill and Catherine were up for the adventure. Anyway, it was super windy and really beautiful. The hills North of Lawrence are great. Big rollers. Lots of new scenery. Other than getting ditched by anyone that knew the last 20 miles, the day was pretty great. It was epic having to ride the last 2 hours against a 20+mph headwind. I didn’t hurt myself too badly. I recovered better than I had imagined, but still am only 50/50 for next weekend. Okay. Don’t really feel too creative. Pictures below.

Trudi and Bromont at the race. He (Bromont) got in 15 or so miles.

Jeff Unruh put on a awesome race. The course was perfect.

My brother, Kris, leading the single speed race on an old Colnago crossbike.

Artsy Party Saturday night. Lots of great music. Too much wine and dessert.

Map of the ride in case anyone wants to try to replicate it. Nearly 8000 feet of climbing.

What is left of the group huddling at the lunch stop at 60 miles. It's not the temperature, it's the wind that gets you.

A 35 degree temperature swing by afternoon. Stripping down after being ditched.