Since Iowa City last weekend I’ve driven 2500 miles. I’m not sure how that occurred exactly, but it’s a fact. Bromont, dog, is a true road warrior. He can sleep a day away in the car without blinking. He has gotten into the habit of always being on a lap in the car, so if me, the driver, is the only person there, then what choice does he have? Gets alittle heavy on the legs after a few hours.
The East coast in the spring is great. The mountains of West Virginia/Virginia are beautiful. The traffic there doesn’t do much for me, but that is life. One thing that I didn’t know was that the dandelion population is out of control there. Below is a picture I took of a field of only dandelions. And they are dandelions from the land of the giants. I saw one that was over a foot across. I tried to pull one and the root was nearly an inch across. Makes the midwest dandelions look like pygmies.
Mike Wiess called and asked if I would do a autograph appearance thing for the Tour of Missouri, but it was really for the MS Society Bicycle event in Chesterfield, Missouri. I got there a little early and was amazed the equipment that people were riding. I am not an elitist concerning sports. Especially cycling equipment. I just haven’t been around so many people with such basic bicycles. And clothing. I ski in jeans. For hours. I guess it’s no different. But, it seems different for some reason. These people had so much enthusiasm it was contagious. I wish they could experience the unbelievable feel of a 15 lb. carbon frame with sewups. They all deserve it. It might of been the longest time I’ve spent on a bicycle for a 35 mile ride since I was riding a bike just like theirs.
OK. Joe Martin Stage Race starts the middle of the week and I have no idea how I’m riding. I’m exhausted. I’ve got a couple days I guess. I’ll know better by then.

Lap dog in current favorite lazy position.

One of 10000 dandelion fields.

MS ride in Chesterfield Missouri.
Thanks for coming out for the MS Ride and I hope you enjoyed the ride. We certainly had every imaginable rider and bicycle out there which is great to see, so long as they stay to the right 🙂 .
It was a pleasure talking with you yesterday and look forward to seeing your post in the future.
I’d love hear your thoughts on cycling in the cities you visit in the future too. I don’t get to cycle in other cities, so it’s interesting to hear about it in cities like Boulder which we discussed.