There are going to be reviews of the CIRC report all over the internet today. You can go to Cyclingnews, Velonews, and all the other sites to see their take on the report.
My take was that it was a total waste of time and money. When Brian Cookson said something about it “opening a can of worms”, I think he meant dead worms that can’t be used for anything. Not one current rider testified? Is that true? I think Chris Froome is current, but obviously isn’t up to speed with the current state of the sport. All CIRC did, was to tell up and coming guys, what they need to do so they can avoid detection in dope tests.
We’ve all heard pretty much everything said in the CIRC report before. At least it says that doping is prevalent in the sport still, even though “they say” that the benefits from the doping are less. I question that, but that seems to be the general consensus.
I don’t see how this report did anything at all. Since there is nothing in the pipeline now, I feel it was actually a step backwards in “the fight against doping”. I’m not really sure there really is a fight against doping. I think it is all smoke and mirrors still.
I’ve already moved on. I have better things to do than mulling over 200 pages of nothing.
Bromont isn’t feeling any better after taking antibiotics for 4 days. He really isn’t eating anything and I’m starting to worry instead of being optimistic. He does have pneumonia. And he does have cancer. I hope that the two aren’t connected, but I don’t know.
Catherine came back for the weekend. Bill and Kris raced the local race at Lake Perry yesterday. We all rode over to the race, then Catherine and I rode back.
I’m still feeling pretty crummy so it was nice getting in a ride on a warm day.
The problem is that “they” started burning the fields here. I’ve posted a ton on my hatred of this. Yesterday, once again, they only seemed to be burning the ditches and fence lines. That isn’t what the burning is for. It is just a lazy way to not mow. It needs to stop. But, obviously, it isn’t going to stop this year. It’s not a good time to have a lung issue.
Okay, the weather is supposed to be good here the next week. Maybe the cold weather is done? I can only hope. Since daylight saving time has happened, our evening rides are starting today. 5:30 at our house. We’ll have a couple hours to ride, so that is enough for the basement, trainer folks. And for me, the sickie.
I plan to spend most of the day at K-State. I’m pretty sure Bromont needs to get another chest x-ray and some more treatment. He hates it, but I think it is best for now.

This is Gene Wansing. He has been a super supporter of cycling around here. He has been this corner marshall for the Perry Race for years. Guys like Gene are rare. He is great.
Froome testified I believe so at least one current rider testified ?
Thanks for pointing out about Gene, too often racers forget about the people who make races happen by volunteering their time.
Didn’t they explain the list was only people who gave information AND OK’d the release of their names? I thought that was kind of the idea, one could come forward with information but not have to face up to a bunch of crap once their name was published? I’ll wait and see what they do to Astana before saying “same s__t, different day”.
Best of luck with Bromont at K-State. He looks very regal in the photo you posted.
The field is small because they decided to charge 50 bucks for day of registration for a small training race. That is getting out of hand.
Bromont is in our prayers. Even our cat is meowing for him to get well soon.
I took your advice and first went to Cyclingnews. There were so many ads strategically placed and so many ads overall, that I couldn’t tell the editorial content from the advertising bullshit. That site used to be the best. Not any more…even though I don’t know of anything better. I finally found the CIRC info and it was more of the same shit I have been reading since the 1990’s. Yes, the 1990’s. As in 25 years ago. Bicycle racing should be very very ashamed of itself.
But I didn’t even go to Velonews. Why? Because that is one of the worst excuses for journalism, sports or otherwise, that I have ever seen. Sorry folks, but it is what it is. I just hope they’re all happy there in The Peoples’ Republic of Boulder. By the way, what ever happened to that masters CX dude banned for EPO use? Oh, I forgot. He had a legit excuse. It was his friends’ stealing his credit card info. Or did his dog need it for his canine-anemia related treatment? I forget. My bad.
Testimony has to do with a court of law and the presentation or discussion of facts. This CIRC report is simply a research investigation. The UCI states the prupose of the report was to investigate “the causes of the pattern of doping that developed within cycling and allegations which implicate the UCI and other governing bodies and officials over ineffective investigation of such practices” .
If nothing else the report shed some light on the poor leadership and silly structure pro cycling deals with. It presented problems everyone has know about for decades. No action solutions, from what I got into.
Link to UCI’s site that has a link to the PDF report:
BMC? They play into this same old, business as usual since the the early 1990’s, no?
The Och was Hein’s stock broker, how convenient was that?
All that aside, I’m pulling for Bromont, dogs are far better than humans
Seen Dave Millar on @Skynews and about to see Hein on @France24TV , WHO do they think they are kidding ?
If Millar was a used car salesman , i would not buy from him !
Only thing of interest so far was :
Armstrong didn’t collect a FEE ? The Sth. Australian Gov. parted with $A2Million , so this MUST be regarded as ” Questionable Ethics “? Lance doesn’t have Irish family ?,
It’s better than just Och Verbruggen.
The Och was Hein’s stockbroker at Thom Wiesel’s bucket shop!
Hein was quoted as claiming there was nothing improper about two team owners, (Och/Wiesel), Wiesel a cycling federation owner, doing business with the head of the federation.