When I grow up I want to be my dog. I can’t really say that I want to be just any dog, because many dogs don’t have a great dog life, but I would be good with being a dog of any dog person that is an athlete or active person.
Bromont has a great life. He virtually never gets left behind. He is with his people 24/7. He doesn’t have to worry about anything, even though he does seem to stress about things, but that must just be his nature.
When I get in the van and have to drive days, Bromont just takes his slot in the back and sleeps. And he sleeps better than any dog I’ve ever seen. He can sleep the whole day driving and never once get out to pee or poop. When I stop to get fuel, he will lift his head and look at me to see if I want him to get out. If he doesn’t get the right look, whatever that look is, he justs goes back to sleep.
And Bromont, even at 10, if fitter than I’ll ever be. A dog is a much better athlete than most any human. He is leaner than me, faster than me, can see better than me, can smell a million times better than me, and I assume, can hear better than me.
Bromont has been to somewhere between 500-750 bike races in his lifetime. He is a professional bike race spectator. He really only gets excited at the start, when I am not around. By the time the race is over, he is back in the van, sleeping on the backseat. Sometimes when I race and it is really hot out, I just leave the van doors open. I always park in the shade, but if it is super, midwest hot, that isn’t good enough for a dog. A few times I’ll finish and he’ll be hanging out with someone else, getting pampered.
Bromont is much of a other dog type dog. He likes people better than dogs. But he has made an exception for Vincent’s dog Jack (Jacque). Jack is very loyal to human and to Bromont. Bromont and Jack just play all day while we work. They love the snow and sticks. Bromont isn’t much of a stick type dog, but he doesn’t want Jack to be having all the fun.
Anyway, I hope there is reincarnation and I come back as a dog. Or an eagle if all the dogs are taken. I wouldn’t want to come back as a human. I’ve already done that.

Vincent made the gate. It is pretty sturdy. I hate gates after a year or two. We’ll have to see about this one.

I had to wear insulated Carhart bibs yesterday. It never got warm, but in the afternoon when it got windy, it was unbearable once again.
I’ve had dogs and horses and a few cats. Now that I’m 60, I’d like to be Champion’s old dog in “The Triplets of Bellview. “The best animated cycling film ever.
I’ve never had a dog. I’m not anti-dog by any means, and don’t mind them if they behave well enough and I don’t have to take care of them. I’m a cat person. I don’t have to walk my cat. I can leave my cat alone in the house for a few days and trust that everything will be clean when I get home, aside from a few cat toys that he may drag out. When people ask if I own a pet, I have to answer NO. I don’t believe you can own a pet; they share your life. Do you own your husband, wife, or child?
All that being said, it sounds as though Bromont is a friendly sort!
Nice post… I like these types of posts WAY more then the political crap and all the negative stuff. I turn the news OFF when I get home… it just makes me sad.
I like the dog picture in this article, awesome stuff, keep going
How you know you haven’t been a dog already?
Anyhoo, I like… or used to like The Stooges.
They made one great song on this topic.
I love your dogs. The first photo says it all. Team work. I like seeing dogs play together. The snow must be fun for them. How old are they? Also what breed are the 2 dogs you have?