Category Archives: Fun Stuff

100 is the New 80

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A cyclocross cardiologist buddy of mine from Louisville, ://”>John Mandrola, from Louisville, sent me a link to a Frenchman, Robert Marchand, who at 102, set a new hour record on the track. He rode 16.7 miles. If I can ride 16 mph on a bike when I’m 102, I’ll be stoked.

Right now about 1 out of every 10,000 of Americans live to 100. That is changing, but not super fast. I doubt many of the 100 year old here ride their bikes much. I’ve never been convinced that racing bikes is very healthy for your body. At least to the extent I do it. I’m sure if I would have done a “toned down” career, it would be beneficial, but that wasn’t happening.

Anyway, chapeau to you Robert. I hope you break your record at 110.

102 year old Robert Marchand after setting the hour record yesterday.

102 year old Robert Marchand after setting the hour record yesterday.

Eric Heiden – Pretty Incredible Athlete and Person

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NBC Sports did an article and listed Eric Heiden as the 9th greatest Winter Olympian. I thought it was bullshit. Then there was a poll they put out there giving us the chance to vote for the greatest Winter Olympian. I thought it was a no-brainer, but polls are polls. I don’t know how that turned out, but it should not have been a contest. The answer is Eric Heiden, hands down. By miles. Even, Bonnie Blair, who is in the video below, and was listed as the greatest Winter Olympian, by NBC, picks Eric.

Anyway, Yahoo Sports did a little thing on Eric. The guy is so humble and grounded. Anyway, if you have a few extra minutes, watch the video below. There is a cameo appearance of a photo, that Trudi took, of me and Eric towards the end. Hope you all get a chance to watch as much of the Olympic Games as you can fit in.

I'm not sure where this photo was taken.  It must have been early when the 7-11 guys were riding Schwinn bikes.  Man, does that bike look old.

I’m not sure where this photo was taken. It must have been early when the 7-11 guys were riding Schwinn bikes. Man, does that bike look old.