Author Archives: Steve Tilford

Day 1- UCI East Coast

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Things went badly yesterday, luckwise. Catherine had a super race though and finished 2nd, around 30 seconds back on Maureen Bruno Roy who won. It was a good course for both of us, with power climbs off your seat and snakey fast sections.

I got a mediocre start, but got into the lead before the first technical section. I lead for most of the first lap, but screwed up a descent and got passed, which was good for me. Anyway, at the end of the first lap, my gears started shifting badly. I looked back and my rear skewer was pointing backwards and I tightened it forward. I knew I had to stop and fix it. Before the race, I pulled my rear wheel out going up a hill and thought that maybe I didn’t tighten by quick release, but thought that was wrong. I should of changed it before the race. Anyway, I stopped at a U-turn and tightened the skewer. I was back in the 20’s by the time I got going, but felt pretty OK and rode back up to the front group on the 2nd lap. But, the group was splitting and David Frattinni and Tyler Wren, teammates, had split off the front 5 seconds or so.

I got to the front of the remaining riders, which were just 3 others and myself. I knew I wasn’t going to have any problems getting up to the Colivita guys. But, disaster struck and I broke my chain on the next hill. I’ve only broken three chains in my life. Twice now in races and once training. Not sure what the cause was this time. I wasn’t shifting or doing anything strange. It doesn’t really matter. It was a race I could of won. I needed the UCI points. Both Frattinni and Wren both flatted the next lap. Along with Matt White and a few others. They were catching their wheels on a uphill asphalt lip. All at the same place.

It’s a couple hours before the UCI race today near Washington DC. I’m alittle apprehensive. I feel like I did the full race yesterday and not just 3 laps. I guess you do the majority of the damage warming up and the first couple laps, so maybe I shouldn’t worry about it. But, the systems check that I always do the mornings of a race is something you can’t consciencely control. Supposed to start raining soon, so maybe my Fifth Street Cross riding practice will come into use.

Capitol Cross-UCI C2, Reston, Va

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The weather never came. It was supposed to sleet and rain all afternoon, but it was dry. The course was challenging. I didn’t get a good warmup because of abunch of mechanical issues. New chain wasn’t working with my 19 in the back. Broke a buckle on my shoe, so I couldn’t release or tighten it, etc.

I got an OK start, but wasn’t looking to go fast from the gun. Matt White got away within a 100 meters. I was stuck behind a few guys, or I would of went with him. Soon, I was in a big chase group going nowhere. Eventually, Jeremiah Bishop, Trek came up to the front and pulled virtually the rest of the race.

I felt pretty good sitting on and knew that Jeremiah would keep going, hopefully chasing Matt down. He kept him at 15 seconds or so, meanwhile, everyone else behind me kept getting shelled. Jeremiah swung off a few times to have me pull, but I decided that my best chance to win would be to go on the last lap. It was a calculated decision, but I was pretty sure he was only there to win, so he’d keep pulling.

The gap with one lap to go was around 12 seconds or so. Jeremiah picked up the pace abit. I had planned to attack before the one major climb with about 1/2 a lap to go, but I screwed up a slick corner about 500 meters earlier and had to chase back on, so didn’t get by in time to lead up the hill. At that point, I thought we were racing for 2nd. And we were I guess.

I missed my opportunity to jump, so gave up my chance to win. It is so strange that such small mistakes can make such big differences in results. I took over the lead before the last technical section. I knew the first rider onto the road would win the sprint. What suprised me was how close we came to catching Matt White. I was sprinting up to him as he threw up his arms. 2 seconds back. But, he knew he only needed to go as hard as he did. So, I was 2nd. 20 UCI points. Not enought to help much at Nationals. I needed the 30 for winning. So, I’m gonna be on the 3rd row most likely. Maybe I’ll get a better start than in previous years. Never know.

Elite men
Place  U23       Time      First Name     Last Name        Team                                                      City                 ST
1                0:57:30   Matt           White            FiordiFrutta                                              Hadley               MA
2                0:57:32   Steve          Tilford          KCCX/Verge/Eriksen Cycles                                 topeka               KS
3                0:57:34   Jeremiah       Bishop           Trek/Volkswagon                                           Harrisonburg         VA
4                0:58:02   Jonny          Sundt            KBS/Medifast                                              Charlottesville      VA
5                0:58:13   Alec           Donahue          Joe's Garage                                              Hadley               MA
6                0:58:16   Charles        Pendry           Inland Construction - BTD                                 Hays                 NC
7                0:58:44   Weston         Schempf                                             Sinking Spring       PA
8                0:59:30   Jon            Hamblen          RGM WATCHES - RICHARD SACHS                               Winston Salem        NC
9                0:59:42   Jacob          Fetty            Myogenesis/TheBikeGame dot Com/HAMBLEN RULES              Athens               GA
10               0:59:45   Nathan         Wyatt            Carolina Fatz/Sram/Santa Cruz Bicycles