Yesterday I rode 135.5 miles. I’m not really sure why. I didn’t start out to do that. I was planning on doing a long ride, but not nearly 7 hours.
I think it is good to do pretty long rides every once in a while. For a couple reasons. One, to reset your biological clock. For some reason, every time I ride all day, I feel pretty good the next day. I have no idea why that is. The 2nd reason is it is nice knowing, mentally, that you have it in you to do longer mileage.
I got a question on Strava about what my longest day has been. It would have to be in a race, quite a while ago. I’ve done a lot of 160 miles races, plus riding there and back, so the mileage is pretty big. But, the time is shorter. a 160 mile race a 26 mph, is only 6 hours. So, 7 hours is long.
Yesterday I kind of did two rides. I rode 82 mile, then came back to meet up with the group ride. The problem was the group ride was just Catherine and Bill. Bill decided to go ride on his own, so I ended up just pulling Catherine around for over 50 miles. It was windy, so I’m sure she got a workout. I had a 20.2 mph average after 6 hours, but it dropped to 19.7 by the end, after running Tucker some.
I’m not normally a big mileage guy. But I seem to be doing more recently. I think I’m just enjoying riding my bike more now.
I changed the differential fluid in the diesel van. I hate the smell of the gear oil in that. The synthetic additive more. It is lucky that it doesn’t have to be done that often. I also changed the regular oil. I only use synthetic. It takes 15 quarts. With the filter, it is over $100 worth of oil. Dang.
I have to take Trudi back to the airport today. She is flying to Northern California to pack the van and then head south to San Diego for the start of the Tour of California. That time flew. She is sort of on the right time now, but California is two hours earlier, so she’ll be off, since she is getting up at 5 to 6 am now.
Okay, there are no races around here this weekend. I’ll have to look at a schedule and try to figure out what I’m doing the next month.

I flatted twice in the first couple hours and had to go to Sunflower Bike Shop in Lawrence to restock.

The gears in the differential were pretty black, but the gear oil was super clear. I’m not why that was.
Steve you have more miles in on one ride then I have all year! Warmer weather coming to Wisconsin! Enjoy your blog!
Is this your year for flats????
Glad you didnt drop out of the ride, these clowns would’ve lost their minds!!
Sure seems like Tucker grew up fast! Great looking dog.
Does anyone else get this “timeout” error message? I get it every time I try to post, no matter how short my message. So I have to go back and enter the captcha a second time.
Error: Time limit is exhausted. Please enter CAPTCHA value again. Click the BACK button on your browser, and try again
Barb, yes, I get that every time.
4 x 4 = 16
Pro Tip: Hit the “refresh” circle (not your browser refresh) before answering the question. Answer the new question, hit “post comment” and voila.
Just hit the back-button right away, and your text should still be there. Try again and it should work.
Or, you could try a quick prayer 😉
It’s been great watching Tucker grow up!
i wonder if the diff has been really, really hot before?
You’re a high mileage guy, at least compared to Mr Overend.
ScottO-Ned has never had much appetite for long miles. When I was riding for Specialized, I got him to do some big miles and after each time, he’d go on to win a World Cup. So, he responds well to big miles, just doesn’t have the time or patience for it.
I write my comment, then just before doing the captcha I hit that arrow circle refresh button, do the new captcha, then click post comment right away.
Oh Sippycup, I can’t speak 4 everyone. I was just horsing around n good fun. But your right i would have lost my mind like you lost your hair line. Maybe you ought 2 get a sense of humor. Lighten up(on the snackcakes).I want u 2 know anything I say is fair game and is not off limit 2 scrutiny. I am fair, open-minded, and inclusive to anyones opinions. I would also like u 2 know I support your peoples right to get married. U and Ggreg r adorable 2gether. Happy riding( each other). Well Supportercup, the TV is a callin and so’s that Nati-lite. Gotta run.