We left Stacie’s early yesterday and did the 5 hour drive from Louisville. It is a super pretty drive to Knoxville and then it skirts the Great Smokey Mt. National Park and then to Asheville.
We got here and unpacked at the hotel. Trudi was pretty nervous about getting her wrist band and figuring out the parking situation, so she took off and I dressed cozy warm and rode over. Asheville is pretty hilly and I was a little lost trying to get across the river, but meandered my way over to the Biltmore Estates.
I bought the wristband for $16.05 (photo below) and then rode the next 3 miles through the estate to the course. It was pretty cold, upper 20’s, but the wind was constant. Trudi got the last parking space at the venue parking and I found the car and striped down a little.
First the course. It is super cool. I like it a lot. It is pretty much on the side of a wooded hill with a couple super steep climbs, run-ups, off-camber descents, technical stuff. The field section is great too, a couple u-turns, a couple fly-overs, just a fun, hard course to ride. But it is dry. If it get wet, then it is going to be beyond technical, really too much. They probably have a contingency for that, I’d hope, but didn’t see any “rain alternative” course marking.
There is one ride up that is going to be a run-up for most of the racers, until Sunday. It is super steep and it too hard for a 39 x 28. I’m looking for some compact cranks for Wednesday.
I have to say I felt pretty great riding over to the course and back. Like super good. Not sure if it was from not riding yesterday or what, but I was climbing seated, with plenty of power. That is the good side.
The bad side was that I fell and hurt myself. It remains to be seen how badly, but as of now, I can am hurt. I was going down the steepest descent to a road and my phone rang, I got a little crossed up and launched over the bars. I landed on my side and have some rib issues. But I’ve hurt my ribs a ton and can race with that pain.
My real problem is my good thumb. My left one. It is hurt. I’m not exactly sure how bad. I think it is broken, pretty low, near the wrist, but sometimes I’m wrong. I called Stacie and we’re on the same page. See how it is and take appropriate action. It really doesn’t matter if it is broken or not, it doesn’t work. I iced it all night, ate half a bottle of ibuprofen and wrapped it tightly in Coban. I’m going to head over to the course and see if I can hold onto the brake lever this morning. I couldn’t yesterday. Sleeping last night was pretty non-existent. Pretty tweaked.
There is very limited time to ride today. I can get my thumb, and ribs I guess, x-rayed, and maybe I will today, but not before I go over to the course. I’m pretty sure there is anything to be done in one day. The course is open from 11:50 – 12:30.
Okay, I still have a day and a half and am not panicked yet, but am close. I might be after I ride, but not just yet.

George and Yuliya Welk, plus family (from Cable) were at Stacie’s when we pulled up yesterday. They are heading to Florida for a couple weeks. It was a pleasant surprise.

Best I could do as of now. KU game in the background. Triple overtime. Man, did that one take my mind off my woes. Rock Chalk.
Too bad the barn cannot be the pit. Now that would be fun.
Ouch. Hope it’s raceable – good luck!
Sorry about the thumb. I’m sure you’re experienced with taping, but you might try a stiffer tape than the Coban, like Luko or the white athletic tape which would be more supportive. Good luck!
Good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Be careful if it’s the scaphoid.
It might be better to bite the bullet, go to the doc’s today and get a cast if something is broken, and try to ride the race with a wrist cast, rather than trying to ride with it untreated. If it’s just s strain or sprain, riding with it taped might be ok. if something’s broken, the pain might be too much to ride in a race, and you might exacerbate the break.
Good luck Steve. Hope the thumb feels better
Can you please provide more photo angles on the wristband? I’m planning to make knockoffs and sell them for three-fitty-each!
Me thinks riding with painkillers should be considered doping…
Max dose of Ibuprofen is 800mg 3 times a day. Not good for you or you kidneys to take above that, or with endurance events. Not recommended if you get diagnosed with a fracture. Some studies show it can delay healing. Good luck. -Doc
Sorry to hear about your fall, and if you can’t ride will miss you on the 55+ starting grid (tho I will be several rows back). Enjoyed seeing you and the NYCross guy riding up heckle hill on the pre-ride!! I plan to run the steep descent you fell on if it is still in the race tomorrow (there was some talk amongst the racers that the course would be rerouted – but that is hardly official word). Anyhow, best wishes for a swift recovery.
You break thumbs the way Thurlow breaks collarbones!
We all complain about distracted drivers. Well; look what happens to cyclists when they’re distracted by their cellphones. Your chances of winning another national championship lost because you had your cellphone on. Was it worth it?