Monthly Archives: October 2015

Have a Camera Racing, Get DQ’d

This entry was posted in Comments about Cycling on by .

I saw an article at Cyclingnews that said that Thijs van Amerongen was disqualified from the Superprestige round in Gieten last weekend, after the fact, because he had a camera on his bicycle that was streaming live video.   The article says that because Thijs wasn’t “granted permission, before the race, the race jury booted him and his 12th place finish.

This is the first I’ve even thought about this, so it is just going to be my initial impressions.

1st,  I don’t know of any UCI rule that says that a rider can’t do live video while racing.  But there must be one.

2nd, do you think that he would have been DQ’d if he was just using the camera for video for future use and not streaming the race live?  This is the only reason that I can see that would make any sense is that they are worried about competition for their television rights.

I suppose the race owns the rights to the broadcast and maybe there is a clause in in the waiver that says that you can’t stream the race.  I wonder if that same clause is included when you buy a ticket to watch the race.  Would they have booted a spectator that was streaming the race from wherever they were standing?

I’m not sure where I stand on this.  I can see both sides of the issue.

I’m wondering if I would get kicked out of a UCI race that hadn’t sold TV rights and wasn’t being streamed live?    I very much doubt it.   But, they would really have to if they wanted to enforce the rules uniformly.  Your thoughts?

And I had just gotten a new Shimano camera a couple weeks ago.

And I had just gotten a new Shimano camera a couple weeks ago.

Plus, Barfly camera mounts.

Plus, Barfly camera mounts.


Cycling Wedding

This entry was posted in Racing on by .

Yesterday I rode the 35 miles over to Lawrence and met up with Joseph, Matt and Brian on the River Road.  I got back just in time to shower and head over to Kansas City for a couple friends wedding.

Alicia Strawder & Benn Stover got married last night.  Benn was a team mate a few years ago and is now a student at KU, not that he isn’t racing bikes still.

The wedding was held at an old building at Wyandotte Lake.  It was a super cool setting and an unbelievable night.  Perfect temperatures, super sunset, friends and family.

The ceremony was just a part of the evening.  It was short, but beautiful.  The guy marrying them had his best line last.  He said something like, “By the powers given to me by the State of Kansas, and the Internet, I pronounce you husband and wife.”

Both Benn and Alicia were very relaxed during  the the ceremony.  Very chill.  It was very unstressful. Lots of laughing, smiles, just talking with friends.  Lots of stories, music, both live and a DJ.  It was nice.

I think Alicia made all the arrangements for the wedding.  Chainrings, cassettes holding candles. Super creative and fun.  (Benn might have helped some.)  It felt down home and natural.

Anyway, they both seemed very happy and easy with each other, which is great.

Today is another perfect fall day, minus the oak mite infestation.  Brian and Bill went and did a local mountain bike race.  The rest of us are riding on the road at 12:30 for our house.  It is supposed to be in the mid 70’s and calm.  Pretty nice.

Alicia and Benn.

Alicia and Benn.

The building was built during FDR's time.

The building was built during FDR’s time.

I love old architecture.

I love old architecture.

Pretty creative.

Pretty creative.

There was a potato buffet, but this was more popular.

There was a potato buffet, but this was more popular.

Benn was two-fisting later in the evening.   He was actually getting used to the devoted husband role.

Benn was two-fisting later in the evening. He was actually getting used to the devoted husband role.