Yesterday I got up pretty early for me, before 6 am, and headed over to Lawrence with Bill to do aschool visit at Woodlawn Elementary School with my TradeWind Energy Cycling Team. We did the same thing last year and it seems it is going to be an annual happening.
TradeWind Energy teamed up with Sunflower Bike Shop to present the kids with new lights, front and rear, plus a Woodlawn Bicycle Club t-shirt. The team did a little question/answer period and then the kids, that brought their bikes, did a few obstacle courses, got their new lights mounted up and had their bikes checked out by mechanics from Sunflower.
Overall, it was a good day. We got our new team clothing, so everyone was suited up in new kits. TradeWind is slowly morphing from a wind energy company to a solar energy company. WInd energy is going to slow down a lot because of governmental policies. TradeWind changed their colors, thus we had to also. It is always nice getting new stuff.
The Tour of California today is going to be interesting. I called Sagan winning the time trial yesterday. It did seem a little weird, but that is the way of professional cycling nowadays. Normally, a good sprinter isn’t a good time trial rider, but Sagan is also a good classic’s rider, so that was my consideration. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Sagan wins the Tour of California overall. I think he hangs with the climbers today. That is another reach, but nothing he does is really that surprising. He has received a lot of criticism from Tinkoff, his team owner, so I think he has something to prove.
It is going to be rainy all day here in Kansas. There was a one day race in St. Louis today, but that is a long way to drive for an hour race. Plus, the prize list was $250 total for the Pro 1/2 race. That is sort of pitiful, even for a local race. I’m a little under the weather again, at least on my bike. I think it is because of all the pollen here, but it might just be life.
Tomorrow, my team mate, Brian Jensen is going to do his last big ride before trying to defend his Dirty Kanza 200 title, in a couple weeks. He is planning on riding 150 miles on gravel. I hope to do some, or most of that, with him. Since everyone thinks I train so scatter-brained, this fits right in. What I really need is speed work. We did a pretty hard ride yesterday evening. There were just 5 of us and we had nearly a 22 mph average when we got back to town. It was pretty windy, plus muggy. I woke up pretty spent this morning.
I usually take Catherine’s mom out to breakfast on Saturday mornings, when I’m in town, but she never got back to me today, so she must be busy. Okay, think I’ll head down to the farmer’s market and get some fresh eggs.

Bill trying to put a chain back on. These kid’s bikes are somewhat of a challenge. Lots from Walmart, etc.

Our new kits. We got a lot more clothing this year, which is always nice. Lots of different winter jackets and bibs.
$250 for a Cat1-2 race?
Was this a Tour de Industrial Park Crit?
Nope. It was on a great course in O’Fallon, outside St. Louis. Hard hill, smooth pavement.
Funny, you have done okay and lasted a long time in the sport- for someone who doesn’t “know” how to train. Maybe riding hard when you feel good and not when you are not is a good plan after all?
Raise those saddles, if nothing else, and get them some leg extension. You feed those kids, and they’re likely to grow, and then need the saddle raised again.
Dont worry steve I made the stupid drive for no money and stole the win for Kansas.
nice new team colours.