Today is my birthday. Too bad I’m going to be spending a majority of it travelling to Arizona. I like the travel involved in the sport. But, sometimes it gets long nowadays, especially compared to pre-9/11.
Luckily I changed my flight so I now have a direct flight to Phoenix to meet up with Trudi, Bromont and Vincent. I’m not flying until 3:30 now, so I am going to get a chance to go out for a ride.
I’m not really that big on birthdays. I used to try to ride the number of miles of my age, but it was never really a “rule”, so I kind of bailed on that. Hopefully I can get in a couple hours and stay relatively dry. Maybe I can do my age in kilos? Yesterday I started too early and got wet initially, then it cleared, but I was already wet. Crossing my fingers for just dry.
I’m a little worried about being unprepared for the whole 24 hour MTB thing. I‘m been hearing that it can be super dusty, plus smoky around the start/finish area. I’ve been worrying about a lung deal, nearly everyday I’ve been in Seattle, so the whole bad air thing is spooking me a little.
Plus the heat. I guess it can be in the 80’s, which really isn’t that hot, but when you’ve been riding in the 40’s in the rain, I’m sure it is going to be brutal.
Really, it is just a life adventure and learning experience. I’ll have a couple days to ride my MTB bike before the race, so I should know by the weekend what my hip can and can not do. I’m sure I’m going to be mildly wacked doing around 100 miles off-road when I haven’t ridden a single mile off-road in months.
But, like I said above, it should be fun and a great memory. Okay, I had better suit up and get out for a ride. I still have to pack my road bike, etc. after the ride.

Yesterday I rode down these stairs, well not on the stairs, but on the little edge beside the stairs. I saw this from the I-90 bridge and thought it looked fun. I didn’t anticipate how wet it was. Plus, it was steeper than it looked. I got a little crossed up towards the bottom and thought to myself it would have been a real disaster if I would have fallen. LIttle steep and slick for a road bike.
Happy B’day Steve!
Steve!!! As we get older we are supposed to be able to make better choices, like the places we choose to ride… Happy birthday and glad you ” enjoyed” you time in Seattle…
Holy Smokes Steve, Happy Happy Brother!! Enjoy another trip around the sun!! Cheers
You should take up skateboarding, then you could go down the center rail – Happy Birthday!!!
Happy B-day Steve! And thanks for all your posting!
Steve, Steve, Steve,
As a guy a couple of years older than you, I say this with affection: What are you doing riding those steps as you recover from a broken hip less than 8 months ago? Will Stacie say that’s a good idea as she does her study on recovery?
You’re a maniac!
Anyway, many happy returns…
“Maybe I can do my age in kilos?”
I see you’ve found a pot dispensary. Happy Birthday.
Steve thank you. Hearing you talk about doing things like riding down stairs, actually waiting to fall down and test your hip, and riding 100 mile mtn bike race without training does me good, as I’ve gotten older (58), I tend to try to stay in my safe zone and not really push the limits anymore for fear of getting hurt again (broken wrist, broken ribs, both shoulders AC separated, and 18 stiches from chainring) You’ve make me realize you can’t fear but just have to accept the possibility of injury. No I’m not talking about doing something stupid, but just pushing my skill level a bit to improve, if that makes any sense.
Happy birthday Steve. Say hi to my homies next week. Sounds like a perfect event for you. Have fun
Happy Birthday Steve!
Happy birthday!
Aquaman rules the skool. Still does. Will always do. Go, go, go Aquarius! It’s our age now.
Happy Birthday and have Fun at MTB race.
I’m still waiting for the post that will surely come soon- “I’ve fallen again, and this time permanently crippled myself”. It’s only a matter of time if you don’t think a bit more carefully and realize that you’re not 21 any more.
Happy birthday Steve
Happy birthday Steve!
Hope you have better tires for this race ,and are tubeless. Flats are a problem down there. Happy birthday you old curmudgeon
Happy Birthday Steve. Glad you did not wreck on the stairs!
Please post mid race!
Happy Birthday, Steve! Never stop riding!
If Fatty can, you can too.
Go go go!
Happy Birthday Steve. Keep on riding aggressive and dont change a thing. We are same age although I am much less talented, you give me the confidence to not stop trying.
Thank you Steve.
For being incredible and also taking the time to openly share your experiences. Your platform for commentary is very much appreciated. Current stories mixed with vintage incredabilia…always a great read.
Steve…you are one of a kind. Thank you again.
Happy birthday!!
To: Euro
From: Mike Rodose
Cc: [email protected]; Tillyfanclub; tillyeezuz
Hi Euro
It’s the “permanently crippled myself” part that makes Tilford’s website readers uncomfortable. Seriously. Disabled is the correct term.
For example. Steve Tilford is jumping the Snake River Canyon in 2015. Even if our hero Tilly ends up in a wheelchair after the historic jump, he will be disabled. Not crippled.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the stories and insight, great stuff.