It is supposed to rain real soon. I’m going to head out and maybe do intervals, yes I said intervals, close to the apartment. I think I probably need to do some efforts if I’m going to be racing next weekend. Here are some photos from yesterday in Seattle.

Before that, we did a 7 miles walk around town. I didn’t start Strava on my phone until have way in and had 3.something miles. This guy had his tent set up really in the middle of the street. The building behind the tree is super cool.

It was a better neat place to camp. Not sure that would work in Kansas. He was gone by the time we walked back by.

We walked by the biggest REI store in the world. I guess their corporate flagship store. It was enormous.

The construction workers were lining up to get lunch in a 7-11. I’ve never considered eating lunch there. Most were getting either a slice of pizza or hotdog, along with a Rockstar or other energy drink. Strange.

We walked over by the Space Needle, to a Sports bar to watch the KU vs ISU basketball game. It was the local gathering spot for expatriate KU fans.

A old friend, and sponsor, Josh Crow came by and sat during the game for a couple hours. It was great catching up.

They have a thing about having locks on the bathrooms here in Seattle. You normally need a code to get in.

This is climbing off Lake Washington towards the I-90 bike path. I did a lap of Mercier Island yesterday. It was wet, but not raining.
In other news….
Nice to see that he skated out of the whole testing thing, you learn things thru cycling that can be applied to other parts of life. Not a completely useless endeavor
I heard from a good source…that’s where Ricardo Ricco camps when he’s in town. Dirty Hippies!!
Steve what kind of seat are you running there?
Seattle Underground Tour
Pretty cool
Starts in the pioneer section of downtown
Your buddy is back. Winning. As if it never happened.
Craig-It’s a San Marco Mantra. I’ve been testing a couple of these this past month. They come in a narrow or wide width. I’ve been riding the narrow, but plan on trying the wide on my MTB next week. Here’s a link to the webpage.
Meeker is the worst narcissist, what an idiot. He liked the post! Perhaps he didn’t read the comments.
like to hear about your intervals… how far you went, how fast,, how many.. rest between..
Doping is no longer something to be ashamed of. Meeker’s business indicates he’s proud of juicing.
I assume the door codes are, in part, to keep junkies out. “Junkie in the bathroom” used to be a regular refrain in certain coffee shops/bars in north Brooklyn.
Oh for God’s sake Mike. Go as hard as you can for as long as you can, when you feel like you can’t go any harder or any longer – go harder and longer! Then rest for a minute or two and repeat. Do as many as you can – then do two more.
Or hire a cycling coach.
would just love to take a guy like wildcat out behind the barn and teach him a thing or two…lol!!! hes lucky it’ll never happen… steve’s a world class rider, a hall of fame mt biker, so when a new guy like me hears a guy on his level is doing intervals, i want to hear what he does. i’m new to this sport, and only do tt on my own.. just to beat my previous personal 10 mile tt records..i do read alot and i read where some pros on the old mapei team did a bunch of 30 second intervals, and i read where big mig did longer intervals.. a few hard miles. then repeat.. so widcat, i was just asking steve what kind he did..
Hi Steve –
Just saw your post on riding in Seattle. I grew up there, you rode right my the old homestead on the east side of Mercer Island. Learned to fly at Boeing Field, got an early bike at that REI (it was a small building back then), my folks live in a retirement community right between the REI and all that new construction being put up by Amazon.
See if you can find a bike route that will take you out to see the Locks – classic Seattle scene out there.
Looking forward to the adventure next week, I’ll be riding down to Tucson with you in Vincent’s van for the OP24. Just picked up two light sets from the Nite Rider rep here we can use as backups.