How about the finish of that cross race that just ended? Sven is probably not very happy pulling his foot out of his pedal 50 meters from the line. Nothing pisses you off making those types of mistakes when it is crucial to ride clean.
I spent most of the day yesterday driving to Kansas City and seeing Dr. O’Keefe, the cardiologist. It was well worth it. Dr. O’Keefe is one of those guys that is doing what he was meant to do. He has super energy and is very interested and excited about anything involving the heart. He spent a good amount of time with me, which was very nice.
I did a heart scan and an EKG and everything was good. Maybe better than good. He said that I had no indication of any damage to my heart from exercise. And everything looked great. He looked at my blood tests and went over them. The man is super busy, takes cell calls from his staff while he is in the office.
So, that is that. I was thinking about the visit with him and was wondering if maybe he was a little depressed that I wasn’t showing any signs of his belief that an extreme amount of exercise might injure you heart? I know he doesn’t want me to be unhealthy, so that is sort of silly. But, I know he wants more data to support the information his already collected. I’m glad I’m not part of that data.
Anyway, I’m racing here in Topeka in 4 hours. I have to get going. It is going to be a very competitive race. All the guys around here have been racing a lot and are having stellar years. Lots of locals are training through the holidays, peaking for Madison. And most everyone older than 30 are going to Louisville for Master’s Worlds. I’m a little behind, but hope to catch up quickly. If I feel better and ride all right, I’m planning on driving to Jefferson City tomorrow for the Missouri State Cyclocross Championships. If not, I’m going to the Cirque Du Soleil show at the Kansas Expo center. Alright, better get a game face on.

I went by the Plaza in KC. Bromont likes it there, but the Starbucks has a Clover machine, which makes really great coffee.

Bromont isn’t big on drinking water out of other bowls, but there are a ton of them at the Plaza for him to check out.

It was chilly out yesterday morning, so I put on these Donkey Label socks. Donkey Label makes custom clothing, something on par with Ralpha and they are out of Minneapolis. Plus, they have embrocation for you legs, perfect for cross.
Glad your heart is OK. I turn 59 in a week and worry about all those parts that I’ve depended on. Something has to give, just give me 15 more years on the bike.
Great posts Steve. I’ve been following these closely. I can relate. Before a few big MTB endurance races and CX season this year I decided to have the same tests done. While lying around, sitting, cutting grass I would occasionally notice what felt like my heart skipping a beat, or thud feeling. Would catch me off guard and scare the shit out of me. Started doing some reading on the interwebs and this scared the shit out of me even more. Had the tests done and everything checked out fine if not better then normal. I am now scheduling routine check ups with my family doc. Having two lil boys in my life and turning 40 only has me even more focused on staying for them, my wife and I. Keep the pedals turning.
Glad to hear all is good with your heart.
Glad everything checked out OK, Steve. Sure been thinking about you.
I bet that’s a load off your mind.
I pulled my foot out in a field sprint once…….pretty scary.
Another good reason old guys only have to do 40 minute Crits.
I once had a 71 Ford LTD wagon with wood-grain sides, and a 400 cid engine….12 mpg on the highway.
(but you could haul a 4X8 sheet of plywood with the tailgate up)
That wagon appears to be in near perfect condition. That’s pretty amazing considering they weren’t designed to last so long. What boats those things were.
Great News on the ticker!!!!
In 1982. I took the drivers’ license test in a 1976 Ford Ltd Country Squire. (I flunked parallel parking.)
did the dr. say anything to you about his seminar vs your heart? what i got out of watching his 18 minute seminar, is endurance athletes, that go hard/real hard for a long duration will end up with a bad heart.. if your heart is fine, did he tell you anything, like some will end up with a bad heart, some wont. to me, his seminar was saying EVERYONE will end up with a bad heart if they train hard in endurance sports.. thanks