I left Dallas a little bit later than I would have liked yesterday. By the time I got back to Topeka and unloaded all the tools and such it was already late. I only have today here before Joe Martin Stage Race starts tomorrow, so it is going to be a little rushed obviously.
I like driving across the country. Especially South to North, or vise versa, during the spring. I like the different vegetation blooming at different temperatures. I remember one year eating Mulberries in Austin, then again a couple weeks later in Arkansas. When I got back to Topeka, I was eating them again here, then the next week again in Iowa and finally up in Minneapolis a month and a half after starting in Texas. I love that. It applies to the trees, flowers, everything growing. Anyway, I was so surprised how much has changed here in Topeka in two short weeks.
I have a ton of stuff to do today. Clean the van out, wash clothes, get my bike in order, ride some, etc. It is strange how time seems to get away from you when originally you thought you had a bunch to spare. It seems that way often now. I remember when I was so surprised that it was April and now it is almost May. I seem really rushed but, I need to start getting back into racing form and a stage race is a good, yet painful, way to do that.
Okay, I’d better get cracking or the day is going to disappear.

Not counting getting the glass, it only took about a 1/2 hour to clean it up, paint it to make it look nearly new.

This was a shocker, again. I had super tailwind up from the South and got 22 mpg, which is great considering how fast I was driving.
Good luck at Joe Martin, Steve. Someday I hope I can give that race a try.
I like the idea of raised beds,, something I need to get started in my back yard.. Race hard @ Joe Martin ..
The lamp looks great. On seeing it, definitely worth the effort to restore even if it delayed the start some.
Steve forget the personal attacks the other day I enjoy following your blog . The way I see it you are a man who is choosing the life that he wants to do for himself . You love racing and the training involved as long as your life style does not adversley afects others thats fine.A long as its fun keep doing it. I met you at the Duncan Donuts in traverse city before the Iceman race which you won , I always think of you around the donut section of any store if I am on my bike