Monthly Archives: March 2011

Racing Tomorrow?

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I spent over 3 hours riding yesterday. That is a record for me this week on the road. Hardly got 55 miles, but I’m not sure because I don’t have a odometer on my ‘cross bike. Tomorrow is Lago Vista Road Race. And Sunday too. I’m iffy still. But, I’m leaning towards racing. I’m going to get slaughtered, but I don’t care about that. I just don’t want to get worse and I’ve pretty much convinced myself that I won’t.

I have to retract the thing I wrote earlier this week about it sucking being sick when it’s nice out. Actually, it isn’t that bad being sick when it is 80 degrees. It is much worse being sick in the winter when it is winter where you’re at. So, I was completely wrong on that.

I’m getting pretty tan. The normal tan lines from riding, but also from working on my bike on the driveway with my shirt off. That’s a plus I guess. I like sun. I don’t think it is as bad for us as they say. If it was, virtually everyone born before 1970 would be dieing from skin cancer, since there wasn’t such a thing as sunblock before then.

I put new cleats on new shoes this afternoon. Last year I wrote, that before the first race of the season, it is the perfect time to put new cleats on your shoes. I always do it. But, it isn’t that great a time to ride new shoes. So, I’m going ride my old shoes, which are pretty beat, and train on my new ones for a week before I race them.

Richard Degarmo is still putting up a ton of old time photos on Facebook. I really should look Richard up here, but I’ve felt so shitty, I haven’t had the energy. Dave Mac put one on today too. I have a pretty great memory of races and riding, but I don’t know where that photo was taken. I didn’t ride a MTB bike much in 1984. It must of been at a Gant Series race somewhere. I’m wearing a helmet and Gavin is riding for Specialized. Photo below.

Can't quite put my finger on the place this was taken. California?

Tour of Texas photo I guess.

Mounting cleats is sometimes a hassle.

The peanut butter jar from my tool box is the most important thing in the box. It is amazing how important this jar with misc. small parts is. I couldn't get along without it.