We skied for a few hours yesterday. I only fell once this whole trip. That might be a record number of “least amount of falling down on skis” for me.
I’m going to head back to Kansas today. It’s about 700 miles give or take. I’m getting antsy to get riding again. I rode the trainer again last night for awhile. I don’t think I can stress enough how much I hate that. I’d rather go into the gym and lift weights I think. Thursday is supposed to be in the mid 60’s in Topeka, so I need to get a long day on the bike then.
I’m not sure exactly what I’m doing after that. I need to go somewhere warm and ride for a couple weeks. I guess I’ll think about it today when I’m driving and make a decision. I have no idea where I am fitness wise riding. After tomorrow, I’ll have a better idea of course.
I can’t really feel the after effects from the antibiotics. But, I would never notice that from skiing. Or from riding indoors on a trainer I’ve never ridden before. Outdoors or on my ergometer, it would take just a couple minutes to know exactly where I’m at in that regard. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.
I’m 80% sure I’m heading over to Mol Belgium, January 22nd, and ride Cyclocross World Championships for master’s. It seemed like a good idea a couple months ago, but has kind of been wearing on me since Nationals. I have some bike equipment issues to address, as usual, but mainly it is trying to avoid getting into trying to play catch up on all the stuff I need to get done this winter. I’m sure I can get more focused once I have a couple days to myself.

Anyone have any luck with these things. Got one for Christmas. Maybe it has something to do with only falling once while skiing?

We skied the new Classic trail over to the Birkie trail and over the high point. I spread some of the ashes of my friend Harold here, back when I first started skiing. I always say hi to him when I go over. It was good to go by once more this year.

This is the last pitch of the Seeley Fire Tower Climb in Chequamegon. The new Classic trail cut through it just near the top. It doesn't look so hard from this perspective.
Those bracelets are all in your head. So if brings something positive to your mental game, wear it! Its not like it can slow you down or get in the way of much.
A Wichita news station did a “Does It Work” exposé on those bracelets and determined they do not “really” work. But, sd is right. The mind-body connection is stronger then most people think. If you think it works then great! Kinda like the premise of Kung Fu Panda. You ever watched that movie? I’m not a real movie person, but I liked it and would recommend it. It’s not just for kids.
If you want a condo down south let me know.