Monthly Archives: June 2010

Back to Kansas

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We loading up and are driving back to Kansas this morning. The Tour of Kansas City starts tomorrow night. Yesterday we did an awesome ride up Golden Gate Canyon and then over to Mountain Base and back down Coal Creek Canyon. Mountain Base was pretty steep. The only downside to a good day was I fell on the gravel descent on Crawford Gulch Road. It is pretty steep too, maybe 25% grade, but down. I didn’t get too scraped up, but made that injection in my shoulder from a week ago valueless. I landed on my chest it doesn’t feel that great either. I felt pretty good the whole ride even though I have some kind of little kid crud going on in my chest. Pascal was snotty nosed when we got here and finally it made its way to me.

I’m planning on spending way more time up in the mountains this year. I think it suits my body better. And it’s just way more fun.

One of the steeper pitches on Crawford Gulch.

Vincent pumping water from a well . Must of scared Bill.

Bill climbing the steepest paved pitch. I knew he was hurting because he was off his seat, in his drops, and never looked over.

Bromont eyeing Vincent's chickens.

The nicest house I've seen in a long time. I'm going to be living there soon if a violin Vincent has isn't a fake.

The Tour of Kansas City 47th Year

This entry was posted in Racing on by .

I’m kind of using memory here, but I think I’m really close to its age. The Tour of Kansas City is the oldest multi-day race West of the Mississippi. The racing starts tonight in Lee’s Summit at 7:50. Tomorrow is Cliff Drive, which is a hard 50 mile circuit race. The final hilly criterium, Sunday morning, is at the new Power and Light District. It’s supposed to be in the mid 90’s all weekend. I’m kind of iffy, but I wouldn’t throw my chip back in, so that’s a positive. We’ll see. I haven’t checked out the start list, but I hear that Brad Huff, Jelly Belly, is coming. Since the race is scored on points and there are two criteriums, it is good for Brad. Okay. I’ll post the race updates as soon as can.