Here are some photos from Paris Roubaix that Trudi took.

Flecha and Thor on the velodrome.

Cancellara on the track.

Infield on the velodrome shot.

Last ceremonial pave' section.

One of 6 of George Hincapie's spare bikes. They shuttled them to different pave' sections all day long.

First pave' section Trudi was stationed at.

BMC race food before wrapping.

My race food before wrapping at Tour of Battenkill. I told you I wasn't going to be eating so much Gu this year.
This is great stuff from Trudi, I learned how to make the sandwiches and wrap the fruit and tarts back in 1979 from Rudd Baker the soigneur for Peter Post’s teams, TI Raleigh, Panasonic etc. Rudd and I are still friends and talk a few times on the phone each year. I had to call him and his side kick mechanic Jan LaGrand when Bill Woodul died over 10 years ago now.
great photos of the race…maybe you should have a contest to identify the food in the last photo. it has to be better than gu…but what is it??
Yea… I would like the recipe for that race food. Care to share?
Steve what the hell is that you are putting in your pockets? Looks gross but if it contains ham and cheese might be good? LMAO!